Campaigns are chock-full of surprises, but you can count on some events like clockwork.

Campaigns are chock-full of surprises, but you can count on some events like clockwork. And one of them’s coming up fast.

In just a few days, we’ll file an official report with the FEC on our fundraising for the last three months.

The numbers will be public.

The thing that makes this report so important — and different from all of our previous reports — is that this will be the first time we share our fundraising performance since a Republican opponent entered this race against me.

Our opponent, his GOP supporters, special interests, Big Tech moguls, Wall Street executives, and far-right ideologues will scour our numbers for any signs of weakness.

Not just because they want to defeat me for re-election — but also because they want to prove that there isn’t enough momentum for our progressive agenda. And if Republicans win more support and gain more power, they’d have more ability to pass their far-right agenda and block progress on the plans this movement is fighting for.

I am fighting with everything I’ve got to defeat their extremism and put power into the hands of working people.

But I can’t do it alone. A whole bunch of $5 donations add up fast to demonstrate widespread support for ending Washington corruption, ensuring the right to an abortion, guaranteeing universal child care, getting the wealthy to pay their fair share, tackling corporate price gouging, and making Washington work for working families.

So, we've got to show our opponents that there’s a big, tough team fighting for this re-election campaign and this mission. And one of the best ways to do that is by making a donation before our March 31 deadline. Can you split a donation of $28 or any amount right now between my campaign and The Long Run to help make my next FEC fundraising report — the first one we’ll share with an opponent in this race — as strong as possible?

Thanks for being a part of this,



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Paid for by The Long Run PAC, P.O. Box 597 Milwaukee, WI 53201, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.