Today, many Jewish people around the world are commemorating Tisha B'Av, J Street is proud to mark this day by partnering with many of our Jewish communal partners to co-sponsor nationwide vigils and protests against the Trump administration’s inhumane immigration and refugee policies.

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Dear Friend,

Today, many Jewish people around the world are observing Tisha B'Av, a day commemorating the historical destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, and the hardships our people have faced throughout history. J Street is proud to mark this day by partnering with many of our Jewish communal partners to co-sponsor nationwide vigils and protests against the Trump administration’s inhumane immigration and refugee policies.

This moment of action feels even more urgent in the wake of last weekend’s devastating white supremacist attack. It comes after a period in which President Trump and his allies have escalated their dangerous incitement against people of color in Congress and elevated far-right conspiracy theories about an “invasion” of immigrants -- using the platform of the White House to promote hatred from the darkest corners of the internet. At the same time, they continue to use false accusations of anti-Semitism and their own claims of “support for Israel” as a shield with which to obscure and justify their own bigotry.

As a people who understand what it means to be targeted as a vulnerable minority and told to “go back” to where we came from, we know that we cannot remain silent or equivocate in the face of this fundamental threat to our values and our democracy. That’s why at J Street we’re rising to this moment, building a powerful political movement that is standing up to right-wing ethno-nationalism -- both in the United States and in Israel. 

We will never equivocate or stay silent about policies and rhetoric that exacerbate conflict and sow the seeds of violence. We’ll fight for peace, tolerance and equality -- and work tirelessly for the political change we need. We’ll help point the way toward a better future. 

Thank you,

Logan Bayroff
Director of Communications

Around J Street

Standing Against Demolitions and Annexation in the West Bank

Trump and Bolton

Last month, the Netanyahu government forced families from their homes and demolished their buildings in the West Bank village of Sur Baher. J Street called this out for what it was: “Yet another example of how the far-right has weaponized building permits in East Jerusalem and is seeking to advance an agenda of ‘creeping annexation’ in the West Bank which aims to restrict and demolish Palestinian communities and undermine the terms of any future peace agreement.” 

This past week, Netanyahu’s government announced the authorization of over 2,000 new dwellings for settlers in the West Bank, a move the UN described as “effective annexation.” The PM also recommitted himself to an alliance of pro-annexation parties and pledged to “secure our sovereignty” over occupied territory. 

As we’ve come to expect, these announcements -- clear violations of international law -- have been met with silence from the Trump administration.  But while the White House enables Netanyahu, Congress has the opportunity to clearly push back by passing H.Res.326, which condemns annexation and reaffirms support for the two-state solution. Thanks in part to strong advocacy from the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement, this resolution now has the support of over two thirds of the Democratic Caucus. J Street is urging House leadership to vote on this vital measure when Congress returns from its summer recess. 

Watch J Street’s online briefing with local experts on the demolitions in Sur Baher and the situation in East Jerusalem >>

After the Trip, “Let Our People Know” Participants Tell Their Stories

J Street U Trip

Following their return from exploring Israel and the West Bank on J Street’s "Let Our People Know" trip, the 28 students who participated in the groundbreaking delegation have been making their voices heard in the American Jewish community, explaining the impact and importance of this kind of balanced, nuanced and in-depth education: 
  • "After hearing the stories of those on the ground, we feel more connected to Israel, Palestine, and the people who live there than we ever did before," six students wrote in a joint piece for the Forward.

  • "'Let Our People Know' challenges Birthright’s pretense of apoliticism in Jewish engagement with the State of Israel, instead providing space for young American Jews to wrestle with our moral responsibility," Gabriella Kamran wrote for The Jerusalem Post

  • "Because of the opportunity that J Street provided to me with this trip, I now have the knowledge to help change the way dialogue is happening around the occupation and to begin working towards real solutions," Liyah Foye told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency

  • "I can honestly say that this trip changed my life," Simone Pass Tucker wrote in the Washington Jewish Week

  • "Though the physical walls were daunting and formidable, the metaphorical ones, between my understanding of the conflict and those living it, were changed by the narratives from Israelis in moshavs and settlements, and from Palestinians in the West Bank and beyond," Ethan Wellerstein wrote in The Jewish News of Northern California

  • "The occupation weighs on the Palestinians and it weighs on the Israelis. It drains the population, and more than ever, what we really need is peace in the region," Adam DeSchriver told the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle.

Ahead of 2020, JStreetPAC Announces Exciting New Congressional  Endorsees

Amy McGrath

JStreetPAC proudly announced its first slate of new endorsements for the 2020 election cycle last month, adding to a total which now includes four on-cycle Senate incumbents, 124 House incumbents, three House challengers and one Senate challenger. 

J Street was one of the very first groups to endorse former Marine fighter pilot Amy McGrath, who is challenging Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in Kentucky. No one has done more than Sen. McConnell to enable President Trump’s dangerous agenda and to prevent Congress from blocking the administration’s slide towards war with Iran. That’s why McGrath’s challenge is so important for our movement -- and why our supporters raised an amazing $75,000 for her campaign in its first week. View the special thank you message Amy McGrath recorded for J Street supporters >>

The PAC also endorsed Ammar Campa-Najjar in his race against Rep. Duncan Hunter in CA-50 -- a close Trump ally who will soon face trial for corruption charges. In racist attack ads, Hunter has shamefully accused Campa-Najjar -- who has both Mexican and Palestinian heritage -- of having “ties to terrorism” and trying to “infiltrate” Congress. We’re proud to stand with Campa-Najjar against these smears. When elected, he will be the first member of Congress to have ever lived with the conflict, having spent part of his childhood in Gaza.

Israeli election updates

This week was the deadline for Israeli political parties to finalize their partnership agreements and joint slates, with a record number of mergers leading to a field of just nine lists that seem likely to make the next Knesset. To keep up to date on the next five weeks of campaigning, be sure to sign up for our regular Israeli election updates.

Watch this week’s election briefing with Israeli journalist Tal Schneider, who discusses the finalized lists, Netanyahu’s options and the prospects for a unity government >>

Help Stand Up to Trump and Netanyahu at the J Street National Conference 

While right-wing groups have cheered for the agenda of Trump and Netanyahu, J Street has built a powerful political home for those who want to push back. The best place to do that is at our 2019 National Conference, taking place October 26-29th in Washington, DC. 

The more attendees we have, the greater the impact we can make -- from working to prevent escalation with Iran and fighting against creeping annexation to shaping the conversation on Israel in the Democratic presidential primary. We’ll be hosting high-profile speakers, including 2020 candidates, and running important trainings and workshops. Opening night will feature a live-taping of the popular podcast Pod Save the World, focusing on the future of US policy in the Middle East. 

Register here to show up in Washington and make an impact this fall >>

And check out our new conference video, which shows exactly what J Street stands for -- and what we’ll stand against:

White House Protest

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crooked media
Crooked Media

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Area C
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The Road to Annexation Runs Straight Through Area C

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Area C
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© 2019 J Street | | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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