Dear John xxxxxx,

In the last two weeks, what we have all experienced has been unprecedented. The impact of COVID-19 on our collective health and our livelihoods has been dire. Yet, in the midst of this profound struggle, what we keep returning to, and what's always been at the heart of our work and the spirit of Women for a New Los Angeles, is how we show up for each other.

For the next several weeks, we'll be reaching out to you with messages of hope and solidarity from women working on the front lines. Our first message is from LAANE Executive Director Roxana Tynan, who helps us all answer the question: "What now?"

"Crises like these really show us why government matters. Only government has the capacity and the scale to be able to respond to people's needs. With Council President Nury Martinez's leadership, our City took a great first step and expanded paid sick days for 440,000 Angelenos." 
We need your support to continue this work:
While we may not be able to show up in person, we will continue to show up for each other. And that's how we will get through this.


Stella Maloyan, Luncheon Co-Founder
& the Women for a New Los Angeles Team
“The best protection any woman can courage.”
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Copyright © 2020 LAANE, All rights reserved.
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