Something major is going down at the Supreme Court this week. It's moving lightning fast, and we face a MAJOR deadline today.
A federal appeals court overturned Biden's massive expansion of the abortion pill. This drug kills more babies than any other kind of abortion.
Biden and the abortion industry rushed to appeal, and the Supreme Court just heard oral argument this week. We filed several briefs in the case representing pro-life groups. TODAY we are filing a brief in another Supreme Court case – our third filing this term – where the abortion industry is trying to shut down pro-life centers.
The abortion giant is reeling. But as we battle the limitless taxpayer-funded resources of Biden and Planned Parenthood at the Supreme Court, we need you.
Due to the extraordinary nature of these and other MASSIVE Supreme Court cases, a group of our most generous donors has unlocked a Triple Match. Your Tax-Deductible gift TODAY will be TRIPLED to defend life at the Supreme Court. But our FINAL deadline is MIDNIGHT tomorrow. $20 becomes $60; $40 becomes $120.
Have Your Gift TRIPLED To Defeat Abortion.
Our deadline to file our own case at the Supreme Court against the abortion industry is looming. Take urgent action with us at the Supreme Court.
Sign Petition: Defeat Abortion at the Supreme Court.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel