Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's recent actions reveal a calculated exploitation of President Biden's weak administration. Seizing upon Biden’s vulnerabilities and record high disapproval rating on the border, López Obrador is attempting to extort taxpayers' money by levying outrageous demands in exchange for cooperation, a move that threatens to compromise our nation's security and sovereignty. This brazen attempt at coercion underscores the urgent need for strong, principled leadership in the face of external pressures. Obrador’s despicable demands include:
Perhaps Obrador is signaling to like-minded individuals in Congress, like Sen. Chuck Schumer, or Mayorkas, considering their desire to pass Amnesty for 30M illegals! Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s bold-faced demand for $20 billion annually from the United States to tackle the migrant surge has ignited a fiery debate on American streets leaving most deeply offended. President López Obrador's warnings conveniently sidestep the glaring issues of Central America's broken socialist policies and violent narco-terrorist-controlled states, the true root causes of migration, perpetuating a narrative that absolves his government of accountability while placing undue burden and expense on American taxpayers; what’s new?! But Obrador's demands for U.S. cooperation on immigration issues may hide a far more sinister agenda. The potential ramifications of complying with his demands are dire, with the U.S. facing further diminishing wealth and the destruction of crucial social programs like Social Security and Medicare through mass amnesty. Looking back to 2007, when former President Vicente Fox openly discussed plans for a common currency, the Amero, and creating a North American Union, it becomes clear that there has long been a concerted effort to erode U.S. sovereignty. Fox's admission sheds light on a disturbing agenda aimed at facilitating the free movement of Mexico's peasant class across our borders, resulting in a flood of anchor babies and illiterates exploiting America's generous welfare system. The strength of the U.S. dollar stands as a significant barrier to the realization of this agenda, but López Obrador's recent actions suggest a coordinated effort, perhaps with collaborators within our own government, to weaken America's currency and hasten the integration of North America under a common economic framework. Regardless of López Obrador's intentions and any potential collaboration within our own government, the time has come for We the People to rise and defend our nation's sovereignty. The Federal Government's failure to address the border invasion demands a bold response, and if that means states must unify and take control of their sovereignty, then so be it. Our founding principles of liberty and self-governance compel us to stand against any threat to our nation's integrity, whether from external pressures or internal complacency. It is our duty to ensure that America remains a beacon of freedom and opportunity for generations to come, and we must not falter in the face of adversity. The time for action is now, and together, we will safeguard the future of our great nation. Let’s Pass Texas SB4 Model Legislation in Every State and Make Illegal Border Crossings Illegal Again! SECURE OUR BORDER, REPEL INVASION!Call on the US Senate and President Biden to Vote Yes on HR2 ‘Secure the Border Act of 2023’ and more! The Senate is still trying to sneak the Amnesty Border Deal through! Click HERE for a All Important Border Security Campaigns! WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Subscribe to Substack Today! For the price of a $5 cup of coffee a month, you can help us stop the Marxist march into oblivion! Free Autographed Copy of NY Times Best Seller “Because They Hate” with your annual subscription while supplies last. You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |