I believe we can’t keep sending the same corrupt politicians to Washington and expecting different results. I believe New Jersey and Americans deserve better than the political machine that has ruled for far too long.
John, my name is Curtis Bashaw.

I’m a lifelong New Jersey resident. In high school, I started working as a bellhop and waiting tables at Congress Hall in Cape May. And I’ve been working nonstop since then.

I started a business and I’m a proud job creator, employing more than 1,000 hard-working people. It’s never been easy, but it’s always been worth it.

As an entrepreneur, I have the responsibility of making a payroll every two weeks and know that people’s car payments, rent, and mortgages depend on me effectively doing my job. And I’ve been successfully doing that for 35 years.

But the pandemic changed our business and our American way of life, John. Working in the tourism and hospitality industry, I saw firsthand how quickly the government can take away our freedoms – our livelihoods.

The entire industry was shut down. We lost most of our income and there was no end in sight. Hundreds of small businesses and families stood on the brink of financial disaster. When the business community and government leaders in the county wrote a plan and demanded the Governor to let us reopen, we were ignored.

As a business owner and a product of the American dream, I’m a lifelong Republican. But now I’ve decided to stand up and do something about it. I’m proudly running for the United States Senate because I believe more government equals less freedom.

I believe we can’t keep sending the same corrupt politicians to Washington and expecting different results. I believe New Jersey and Americans deserve better than the political machine that has ruled for far too long.

John, like you, I’m fed up with Washington's dysfunction. I’m a political outsider on a mission to fix it.

America is the land of opportunity, and that starts with a strong economy. The best social program is a job.

Yet too many families are struggling to pay their mortgages, buy groceries, and put gas in their cars. In New Jersey, we pay the highest taxes in the nation yet receive only 75 cents back on the dollar from the federal government.

Our families cannot afford to elect another selfish, so-called "leader" who cares more about their own political ambitions than coming up with sensible solutions that actually help law-abiding American citizens. We deserve better than this.

I am running for the United States Senate because I believe we need to restore freedom, security, and opportunity for all Americans. I am running to restore the American dream. Are you ready to hop off the sidelines and join this fight?

For America,

Curtis Bashaw
Entrepreneur. Husband. Preservationist.

PS – We are looking to build a movement full of individuals who believe in common sense solutions to real problems that Americans are facing. Your contribution as a founding member of our campaign will make all the difference. Please consider stepping up today.

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