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Inside NumbersUSA and Development Newsletter


I am sure you are disappointed in Congress passing appropriations bills to fund the government without implementing changes, such as H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, to protect our nation's interest ranging from national security to jobs and fair wages to reduced environmental impact. I share in your disappointment. However, let me also share some strategies below that NumbersUSA is pursuing will bring about sensible immigration. First, let me share a message from our Development team.

Message from Steve Firestone, Chief Development Officer

Our community of donors plays a pivotal role in bolstering the success and sustainability of all of the NumbersUSA initiatives. Their support not only provides essential financial resources for our organization but also fuels the engine of affecting sensible policies in federal and state government.

Contributions, no matter how large or small, enable our initiatives to make a tangible impact on the need for sensible immigration. Moreover, donor support fosters a sense of "collective" responsibility and solidarity, encouraging others to join in and amplify the efforts towards meaningful change.

In essence, donors are not merely benefactors; they are catalysts for progress, driving the transformation of governmental policy and perspective and fostering a brighter future for generations to come.

Courtney Trollinger for NumbersUSA

Strategies to Achieve Sensible Immigration
  • Federal Strategy:
    • Hold Congress Accountable via the NumbersUSA Grade Cards scoring the actual immigration voting record, not the campaign rhetoric, of those elected to serve you. We will review and score over 500 proposed bills impacting immigration numbers each Congressional session.
    • Work with elected officials and their staff to shape and support actual legislation including our Six Great Solutions impacting legal immigration and our work to stop illegal immigration. Recent successes include shaping H.R. 2 the Secure the Border Act, helping to defeat the recent Senate Immigration-expansion Bill, and supporting the Laken Riley Act.
    • Educate and lead a coalition of organizations including Heritage Foundation and others to magnify the many voices into one strong message to Congress.
    • Utilize alliances, such as the one we have with CPI, where each year we provide immigration policy training to upwards of a hundred new Congressional staffers so that elected officials have immigration knowledgeable staff.
  • State Strategy:
    • The most cost effective solution to reduce illegal immigration is to shut off the jobs magnet that drives the vast majority of illegal immigration into the United States. While the Federal team works to achieve national mandatory E-Verify, the state team is working with states to implement E-Verify locally.
    • Business hates having to adhere to 50 different state laws and Business desires a level playing field among its competitors. E-Verify provides the latter. By encouraging a majority of states to implement state-required E-Verify, the pressure to implement a national E-Verify system is increased.
    • We have achieved E-Verify in 18 states. We are working to increase this steadily each year and to make state E-Verify requirements stronger and broader where they already exist.
  • Minority Voters Strategy:
    • Large-scale immigration, legal or illegal, disproportionately impacts minorities in the United States from having jobs with living wages and safe work conditions. This was articulated by Barbara Jordan, chair of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, when she said "Immigration policy must protect U.S. workers against unfair competition from foreign workers, with an appropriately higher level of protection to the most vulnerable in our society.
    • NumbersUSA's founder, Roy Beck's, historic work documenting the 200-year history of immigration surges, employers bias, and the depression of Black wealth in the United States is the foundation of the Hiring Line initiative.
    • Educating the future leaders of the Black community by focusing on Historic Black Colleges and Universities, is one way to change the voting preferences of this important voting block and the goal of our HBCU initiative..
    • The Hiring Line initiative also has formed alliances with entities such as Black American Voters Project in Chicago to bring their powerful voice to bear on the national immigration issues now impacting that important, interior, city.
  • Environmentalist and Conservationist Strategy:
    • Recognizing the shared concerns of conservationists and environmentalists (often of opposing political parties) about the impacts of immigration-driven population growth on our environment and natural habitat, our Sustainability Initiative empowers voters to achieve an immigration policy that can last.
    • As part of that, we maintain the nation's Center of Excellence on Sprawl. Our 20-year series of studies quantifying the role of immigration-driven population growth in the loss of rural land and habitat nationwide use government data to evaluate the respective roles of population growth and growth in per capita land consumption on sprawl.
    • We are the ONLY immigration focused organization that studies and focuses on the impact of immigration and sprawl on our nation's natural resources, parks, farmland, and open space.
These strategies, combined with efforts to swell the membership of NumbersUSA and equip each member with easy to use tools for contacting their elected officials with one-click activism on immigration issues, all will bring about the much needed changes our nation needs. However, it cannot be done without YOU. Your activism and your funding is what makes change possible.


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