Above the mantle in the
Governor’s Mansion, I have a
portrait of my granddaughter Sofia and me walking the halls of the Capitol. Lining the halls?
Governors from throughout New
York history. Not a
single woman.

To me, this represents a statement about what women are
capable of, and the barriers we can break down. It is a powerful
reminder of how far we’ve come, and that these historically
male-dominated spaces belong to us, too.
Because I know one thing with absolute certainty:
Anyone who tries to push us backward and strip away
our rights is going to have a hell of a hard time — because New York
women are a force to be reckoned with!
No other state can lay claim to being the birthplace of the
women’s suffrage movement. 176 years ago, a group of 300 women — and a
few enlightened men — gathered in Seneca Falls for the very first
Women’s Rights Convention.
These women swam against the tides of their time, defying
their communities, their churches, and even their own
families, as they launched a revolution. And
their grit, audacity, and bold defiance was passed down through the
The righteous resolve and boundless hope of great women who
came before us run through our veins at this very moment. It’s what
drives us to build an even better world for our daughters and
granddaughters — and fend off the dark forces that
seek to drag us backwards.
As Governor, protecting and expanding women’s rights
continues to be a top priority of mine.
We’ve fought to make New York State a safe harbor for
reproductive care by enacting new laws and creating our nation-leading
Abortion Provider Support Fund.
We’ve strengthened legal protections for survivors of
domestic and gender-based violence.
We’ve dedicated tens of millions of dollars to improve access
to prenatal and postpartum services for expectant and new
In my State of the State, I said:
Let’s take it
Let’s become the first state in the nation to offer paid
prenatal leave, make investments to level the professional playing
field, expand childcare, tackle the gender pay gap, and
And when it comes to empowering women in the workplace, I’m
proud to say we walk the walk.
My administration has more women serving in
leadership positions than any in state history.
When I came into Office, I wanted to build an inclusive team
that would mirror this State’s incredible diversity because
representation is so crucial for historically underrepresented groups
— including young girls.
When they see themselves reflected in government, business,
health care, the arts, and beyond, a world of new
possibilities opens up to them. They work harder. They dream bigger.
They believe that they too have the power to make a
As we near the end of Women’s History Month, the message I
leave you with is that the fight for equality is one that continues
every day.
For generations, brave New York women have led that
And now, we will carry their torch and make sure it burns
even brighter for the New York women of tomorrow.
Ever Upward,
Gov. Kathy Hochul