Get your gift triple matched before this special offer expires
DEVELOPING… This is moving quickly. Just last week, MAGA extremists in the House of Representatives passed several truly outrageous anti-environmental bills. It’s urgent that the environmental movement responds. Their legislation would:
  • Gut all federal funding for the greenhouse gas reduction fund, a critical lifeline for underserved communities to benefit from the clean energy transition. (PASSED 209-204: H.R. 1023)
  • Prohibit any attempt to suspend fracking operations, despite problems it causes with water contamination. (PASSED 229-188: H.R. 1121)
  • Set dirt-cheap royalty rates for oil and gas companies to drill on public lands and line their pockets. (PASSED 216-200: H.R. 6009)
LCV is organizing quickly to stop MAGA Republicans’ dirty energy agenda in the Senate. But at the end of the day, the impact we have will depend on members like you.

The best thing you can do to protect the environment is renew your LCV membership to power our work. And for a limited time, you’ll make 3x the impact — even $5 makes a big difference right now.



Supporter Record: Friend Friend

Match Status: 3X MATCH ACTIVE
Sunday, March 31
Fundraising Goal:
Progress to Goal: 62%

STATUS: Renew now — it only takes $5 >>

Friend — I really hope you’ll take this opportunity to triple your impact — because as urgent as stopping these legislative attacks are, they’re not the only environmental fight we’re up against. There are so many reasons to pitch in $5 — because there are so many ways your support will make a difference. Here are just a few:
  1. RIGHT NOW, we have a real shot at protecting MILLIONS of acres of public lands. The Biden administration needs to build on its conservation legacy and protect our cherished public lands including by establishing Chuckwalla National Monument in California. The only way that will happen is if the environmental movement keeps the pressure up. It’s crucial that the White House hear from the environmental movement now — and for that, we need your support.
  2. Biden put a pause on new methane gas export facilities. That includes CP2 — a project with climate impact equal to the annual emissions of 53 coal-fired power plants. It’s potentially one of the biggest actions a President has ever taken to protect the climate — and the response from the dirty energy industry has been fierce. We HAVE to hold the line. But we need your help: Renew your membership today >>
  3. Anti-environment legislators are trying to gut important protections for the Arctic. Republicans’ extreme legislation would put the Arctic at risk of more oil and gas drilling and threaten species like caribou. The environmental movement CANNOT sit this fight out. We need you now, Friend.
  4. A group of donors is triple-matching every contribution this month. Bottom line, your contribution goes further to win environmental progress if you give now. Triple your impact now >>
Friend, please don’t sit this fight out. Renew your LCV membership for just $5 today while it will be triple matched >>


LCV Rapid Response Team
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