It’s really important for us to get a regular read on what matters to you.

Hi there,

If you have a minute, we’d love to get your thoughts on what issues matter to you right now.

It’s critically important to hear from you about what issues you care about on a regular basis. That’s because this is a campaign powered by all of us.

So what matters to you? Take our new issues survey now.

Here’s the first question:

What are the top issues you're following at this point in the campaign? Please pick three only.

While other campaigns may prefer to hear from a room full of wealthy donors about what they want, we want to know how YOU feel — because this is your campaign.

Most of the questions on these surveys are the same from month to month, because that helps us understand how your priorities change over time. So please, take a minute now to respond to our new issues survey.

Thanks for keeping us updated on what matters to you.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie