Precious Life mark 4 year anniversary
of abortion in Northern Ireland
Hi John,

Precious Life assembled at Stormont today (Thursday 28 March) for a poignant display of baby shoes in remembrance of 7,681 lives lost to abortion.

The Northern Ireland Department of Health admitted they have killed 7,681 babies in the womb since March 2020.

As we approach the 4 year anniversary of legalised abortion in Northern Ireland, this poignant display of baby shoes served as a powerful reminder of the devastating toll of the legislation imposed on Northern Ireland by the Westminster Government in March 2020. Each pair of shoes, with a name attached, symbolized the life of a precious child lost to abortion.

One death by abortion is one too many, but 7,681 little babies killed by a so-called department of 'health' is both shocking and horrific. The Westminster Government inflicted this carnage on Northern Ireland through their 'Section 9' legislation, but it was supported by SDLP, Sinn Fein, Alliance Party, Green Party, PeopleBeforeProfit, and other pro-abortion Assembly Members. They are all complicit in the deaths of these babies.

With a General Election expected this year, Precious Life's VOTE FOR LIFE Campaign will expose these political parties that support the killing of 7,681 babies. This is equivalent to the population of a town the size of Newcastle, Co. Down being wiped out. The number of babies killed by abortion in Northern Ireland in only 4 years is now more than double the number of people killed during 30 years of the Troubles.

The pro-abortion Guardian Newspaper recently published an chilling article boasting that Northern Ireland now has a so-called  “gold standard” in killing unborn babies. Various radical pro-abortionists were interviewed for the article including Alliance Party, the Department of Health, and so-called Human Rights Commission.

How did Northern Ireland turn from a pro-life country to one where pro-abortionists claim it's the "gold standard" of baby killing?

When Precious Life was formed in 1997, the official figure for women from Northern Ireland having abortions in England & Wales was 1,572

Over the next 2 decades there were slight fluctuations in the figures decreasing and increasing but overall there was a downward trend.

This was achieved through our weekly Street Outreach in towns and cities across Northern Ireland; our daily witness outside the abortion referral centres; our Schools Outreach; our “Vote for Life” Campaigns; and our numerous petitions and court battles.

Our steadfast and resolute work, together with your unwavering prayers and uncompromising support, changed so many hearts and minds on the abortion issue all across Northern Ireland.

By 2016 the abortion figure had more than halved from the 1997 figure. The number of abortions was down to 724 - a fall of 54%

However, in June 2017, the Westminster Government took the first step in their plan to force abortion on Northern Ireland. They introduced the "Northern Ireland Funding Scheme" where they offered free travel and free abortions in England and Wales for women from Northern Ireland.

In 2018, the abortion figure had shot up again to 1,053. And in 2019 the figure rose again rose to 1,081

Then in October 2019, when the Stormont Assembly was still suspended, the Westminster Government forced legislation on Northern Ireland that repealed the sections of the “Offences against the Person Act”,  which had protected unborn babies and their mothers from abortion for over 150 years. With these pro-life laws removed, Westminster then overrode the Assembly and forced in their abortion legislation on 31 March 2020.

Since that date, the number of babies killed by abortion has steadily risen.

By June 2020 the number of unborn babies killed in Northern Ireland was already 129.
By October 2020, the figure was 664 – an increase of 535 over 4 months.
By October 2021, the figure was 1,556 - an increase of 892 from the previous year.
By January 2022, the figure was 2,394  - an increase of  838 over 3 months.
By October 2022, the figure was 4,136 - an increase of 1,742 from the previous year.
By October 2023, the figure was 6,924 - a massive increase of 2,788 from the previous year.
And now in March 2024, the latest official figure is 7,681 babies killed by abortion.

In the Guardian article, Ruairi Rowan of the pro-abortion ICNI (formerly the FpaNI) boasted about the high abortion figures. He said “There is a sense of relief and pride…” that these babies can now be killed in Northern Ireland rather than woman travelling to England for abortions.

The NI Department of Health admitted to the Guardian that killing babies in the womb is “…now available in all five hospital trusts in Northern Ireland”, and said work is ongoing to ensure baby at 24 weeks old can be killed …as soon as possible”

Alyson Kilpatrick, chief commissioner of the so-called Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission said, “We recommend that the UK government, working with the department of health, ensures that sufficient, long-term, ringfenced funding is available…“ [for abortions.] So while the Health Service is in crisis due to lack of funding, with 10 year waiting lists for vital genuine medical treatments – the Human Rights Commission wants money “ringfenced” only for killing babies in the womb.

Exclusion zones are now in force to ban anyone from offering help to women or even praying silently outside the baby-killing centres. Connie Egan of the Alliance Party told the Guardian " is welcome that we have legislation..." to criminalise women and men and punish them with fines up to £2500.

Pro-abortion extremist Emma Campbell gloated to the Guardian that the law to kill babies in Northern Ireland is “…one of the best laws in the world now”. Because nobody is under threat of prosecution for killing babies “…it just makes it so much easier…” said Campbell.

All this shows what happens to a country once its laws protecting unborn babies are removed. 

But this slaughter must be, and can be, turned around. We must continue battling to repeal Section 9 – on which Westminster’s abortion legislation is hinged. If Section 9 is repealed, then any legislation that came from it must fall.

We must make abortion not only illegal again, but unthinkable.

One encouraging point that the Guardian article had to admit was ‘conscientious objection’ to abortion within the health service is relatively high. This shows there are still many pro-life doctors and medical staff who will not take part in the killing of babies.

Precious Life will never let the killing of these 7,681 babies be forgotten. We will confront every pro-abortion politician in the next election with this horrific figure. Our REPEAL SECTION 9 CAMPAIGN and our daily pro-life work – together with your ongoing support - will ensure full legal protection is restored once again to every unborn baby in Northern Ireland.
A woman in the Republic of Ireland who had taken prescribed abortion pills later presented with a life-threatening ruptured ectopic pregnancy in a Limerick hospital...

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