Across the Amazon and around the world, Indigenous women are leading solutions to protect biodiversity and our global climate amidst ongoing and increasing threats to their rights and territories.
Against all odds, they are leading communities and movements to resist land grabs, fossil fuel and mineral extraction, agribusiness expansion, and gender-based violence.
For Amazon Watch, supporting Indigenous women defenders is paramount due to their critical role in protecting biodiversity, resisting destructive policies, and upholding ancestral rights. Supporting Indigenous women is not only about addressing immediate threats and injustices but also about investing in the vision of these women to “reforest the hearts and minds of society” to defend Indigenous land rights, respect women’s rights, and protect Mother Earth.
As the women of ANMIGA say, “the fight to protect Mother Earth is the mother of all fights!”
We are honored to partner with inspiring Indigenous women leaders and draw attention to their visionary work.