We never know what the future holds in store. But, when I think about the farmed animal protection movement—and how far we’ve come in just a few short decades—I can’t help feeling hopeful. You could even say anticipatory. Because it seems to me that we’re on a very exciting trajectory—to a world where factory farming no longer exists, and farmed animals are not subjected to abuse.
Of course, I know this work will take many decades. But thanks to supporters like you, I’m confident that we will get there—hopefully within our lifetimes. It’s a long game, a marathon. A marathon worth running—because it’ll eliminate the abuse of literally billions of sentient individuals.
We're continuously striving towards this kinder future—and a truly meaningful way to prolong your compassion is to include a gift to The Humane League in your plans for your estate.
Here’s a little background on legacy giving:
- What it is: A legacy gift—also known as a planned gift or bequest—is a future contribution that you specify in your will or living trust, or by naming The Humane League as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance, bank account, donor-advised fund, or other financial account.
- Why now: For a limited time, when you let us know of your legacy commitment, a generous matching donor will make an immediate gift to THL—for up to $2,500!—to fund our life-changing work. That means you’d be making an impact today and well into the future, all in the name of animals.
- How to start: Contact your financial institutions, speak with your estate attorney, or check out FreeWill, a free online estate planning tool where you can put together a will or trust and allocate a gift to The Humane League in less than 20 minutes.
- How to activate your matching gift: Bookmark this email so that once you have finalized your planned gift, you can complete the form below to activate a donation to help animals who are suffering on factory farms right now!
As you reflect on the legacy you want to leave, remember that a legacy gift can make a monumental difference in the life of a farmed animal—for the better. I’m so grateful to you for considering your commitment to laying the foundation for a more compassionate future for people and animals alike.

Kalista Barter
Vice President, Development |
P.S. Have you already included The Humane League in your estate plan? Let us know so we can activate your matching gift today!