April 01, 2020 John,
In the many years that I have served at NORML, first as a Policy Director and now as the organization’s Executive Director, on few occasions have I been prouder of our work than I have been over the past weeks. Despite the ongoing crisis that is before our country (and the globe), NORML and its staff have risen to the occasion to be both productive and influential in shaping the emerging worldwide narrative surrounding cannabis.
Specifically, NORML has provided guidelines regarding best practices for cannabis consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic. These guidelines have been promoted and disseminated by to millions of people via mainstream media outlets across the United States and internationally, including by Rolling Stone, Newsweek, The Bangkok Post, and The London Free Press, among others. We also urged consumers to be wary of online misinformation and of marketing scams claiming that unregulated CBD products may act as a COVID-19 remedy. This message is also now being widely promoted in various media markets.
NORML also stressed to lawmakers the importance of permitting cannabis dispensaries to offer uninterrupted access to their patients. In the following days, over a dozen of states explicitly designated licensed cannabis providers as “essential services” to the community during state-mandated ‘stay-at-home | shelter-in-place’ orders.’ In others, regulators have either relaxed protocols or moved forward with new, emergency rules to facilitate expanded access that comport with NORML’s policy recommendations – such as permitting patients to seek telemedicine appointments and allowing dispensaries to permit curbside pick-up and home delivery. The New York Times, the Associated Press, and others have carried NORML’s message.
NORML is the only group at the national level that worked to ensure that the federal government would not discriminate regarding Unemployment Insurance aid packages considered by Congress in providing relief to cannabis-industry personnel who have been or will be furloughed from their jobs.
NORML was also among the first groups to publicly criticize the US Small Business Association for discriminating against those licensed cannabis businesses who have been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and for failing to provide them with economic assistance. NORML is now working closely with Congressional allies to move Congress toward an expeditious legislative fix to this situation, and we expect to have additional news to report on this effort in the near future.
In short, I want to stress to you – the NORML family – that even during these uncertain times, we are continuing to move forward with our important political and consumer advocacy work, and we are continuing to prioritize your interests, health, and safety.
As I previously wrote you, NORML is well aware that these are difficult times financially for many of you, and we understand that some of you may not be in a position at this time to contribute to this cause. But for those of you who can, we hope that you value and appreciate NORML’s ongoing efforts and will consider making a contribution at this time. Your past efforts have allowed NORML to be ready and able to step up at times like this, and your continued efforts will help carry us forward to the better days ahead.
Erik Altieri
NORML Executive Director