Act NOW - House GOP Leadership's critical priority decision hinges on your voice!
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Liquid error: Internal error



Dear John,

The time for silent observation has long passed. YOUR country needs you to step forward as a beacon of conservative values against the tide of destructive policies.

The 2024 agenda for the House GOP is being drafted, and it won't be complete without the candid feedback of real Americans like YOU. Our nation's future is in your hands.

What should be at the forefront of the House GOP's priorities?

Should we SLASH government spending to temper the inflation that's eating away your paycheck and work toward TAX CUTS that keep your hard-earned money where it belongs—with YOU?

Is it crucial for us to BRACE the southern border, putting an end to the flow of narcotics that is tearing at the fabric of our communities?

Do you demand AMERICAN energy independence to deflate gas prices and boost our economy?

And let's talk SAFETY; is it fundamental for us to back the men and women in blue to safeguard your neighborhood and loved ones?

Don't we agree that the drainage of the swamp of corrupt politicians is long overdue?

Must we stand vigilant to ensure our elections remain the beacon of integrity they're intended to be?

John, are you as WORRIED as I am that your constitutional rights, including your First and Second Amendment rights, might be eroded under Biden's watch?

Is the state of our national security keeping you up at night?

This is YOUR chance to take a stand. Your thoughts are not only valued; they're vital. It's not about simply choosing an issue—it's about staking a claim in the future of our nation.


What priorities are we missing? This is the moment to raise your voice. But you need to do so NOW before it’s too late and decisions are set in stone sans your input!

Raise your voice TODAY. Complete the Official House Priorities Survey!


Alex DeGrasse
Senior Advisor to House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik

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