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Register today for Protecting MI Source Webinar Series!
Our drinking water comes from a variety of sources including groundwater, rivers, and lakes. There are thousands of water supplies providing drinking water to the public and hundreds of thousands more private water wells supplying water to millions of people in Michigan and millions more across the Great Lakes Region. Knowing and understanding the quality and quantity of the source is a critical first step in planning and developing sustainable approaches and managing our drinking water resources. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) presents this webinar series to highlight how agencies, communities, universities, local organizations, and citizens can promote and protect drinking water sources. A question-and-answer period will follow each presentation.
This webinar series is provided through a collaborative partnership with EGLE, the Institute of Water Research at Michigan State University (IWRMSU), and the Michigan Rural Water Association (MRWA). More webinars will be added throughout the year.
Upcoming webinar in the series
Please join us to learn how your community can receive funding to protect your drinking water. This webinar will provide information on grant eligible funding, activities, and tips to ensure your application meets EGLE requirements. This training will include a demonstration of the grant application process, common application errors, and tips to increase the likelihood your grant request is awarded.
PROGRAM QUESTIONS: Sara Pearson: [email protected]
REGISTRATION QUESTIONS: Alana Berthold: [email protected] Joel Roseberry: [email protected]
Individuals needing language assistance or accommodations for effective participation at this event should contact Joel Roseberry at 517-599-9494 at least 2 weeks before each webinar to request language, mobility, visual, hearing, translation, and/or other assistance.