Barriers to accessing home- and community-based services have persisted and worsened dramatically in the pandemic’s wake. Interviews of adults with disabilities find insurance barriers are a common reason for delaying or forgoing needed services and care.
In June 2022, 15 percent of adults with disabilities reported they or someone in their household delayed getting or didn’t get the medical equipment or supplies they needed in the previous 12 months.
Findings show that payment-to-cost ratios are generally higher for patients with lower motor and cognitive functioning levels. These patterns could lead IRFs to steer their case mix toward certain types of patients for financial reasons.
Racial and ethnic disparities in health and nonmedical drivers of health are deeply entrenched. But health system players across Texas have made important progress in advancing health equity by addressing nonmedical drivers of health.
Join Urban at noon on April 15 for a virtual discussion on sociopolitical factors affecting inequities in the US health system and how to address them.