Dear John,

Did you know that there's a connection between early brain development and Alzheimer's disease?

Ensuring our grandkids and upcoming generations have a bright and healthy future starts here.

By joining our next webinar, you'll learn how to protect and rejuvenate brain health throughout your lifespan.

Brain Power for Life: How Early Development Influences Your Life Course examines the relationship between early brain development and dementia prevention.

Our presenter, Judy Romano, MD, FAAP, RYT, BLS will reveal how early experiences are built into our bodies and how significant adversity produces physiologic disruptions. So what can be done about it?

We'll also explore the role of resilience as it relates to development throughout the lifespan... and so much more!

You don't want to miss this.
Date: April 2nd, 2024
Duration: 60 minutes
Presenter: Judy Romano, MD, FAAP, RYT, BLS

This webinar has been approved for 1 hour CE for Yoga Therapists and 1 hour for Yoga Teachers.
This webinar will be recorded and sent out afterward. All you have to do is register. We can't wait to see you there!

Yours in Brain Health,

Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
President / Medical Director

Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF)

Prevention Editor, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 
ARPF research was cited in a new paper published in THE MIND - Bulletin on Mind-Body Medicine Research. 

Here is the article quoted:
  • Cerebral Blood Flow Differences Between Long-Term Meditators And Non-Meditators.
Disclaimer: The exercises and yoga sets provided during the March for Movement week and by Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF) are for general education and outreach purposes only. We recommend you work with your healthcare provider first if you have a health condition or experience dizziness, shortness of breath or any other discomfort while or after exercising. By performing any of the exercises in this series, you assume all risks of injury from doing so. ARPF is not responsible or liable for any injury or loss you may sustain by participating in this challenge.
Easy Ways to Support ARPF

  • Facebook fundraiser: ask your friends and family to donate for your birthday or another special occasion. Facebook offers this easy option, and it doesn’t cost you anything. If you don’t have a Facebook account, ask your young family members to create it for you.

  • Donate a vehicle: if you have a car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat that you don't want, it can be put to good use as an ARPF donation. This nationwide service is a great way to show support.