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Friend — I have big news to share. Our movement has just scored a HUGE win as the Senate has voted 50-47 to confirm President Biden’s nominee Nicole Berner to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

In her career before becoming a judge, Berner has been a leading lawyer for workers’ rights and reproductive rights, has worked to advance voting rights, civil rights, and immigrants’ rights, and has worked pro bono for children in abuse and neglect cases. She has been a leader for LGBTQ+ rights, and she is now the first openly LGBTQ+ judge ever to serve on the Fourth Circuit.

We’re reaching out today because we need you to know: victories like this only happen because of tireless advocacy from people like you, Friend. Thank you!

LCV members have sent thousands of messages to Capitol Hill urging senators to confirm pro-democracy, pro-environment judges like Nicole Berner. Those messages haven’t gone unnoticed; the judges getting appointed are now the most diverse and most committed to the public interest ever. Your advocacy really makes a difference.

As I’m sure you understand, for our environmental laws to be effective, we need judges who will enforce them. And as a right-wing supermajority controls the Supreme Court, the stakes for our communities’ clean air and clean water, and for all people and communities to have an equal say in our democracy and be treated with justice before the law, have never been higher.

To protect our environment and democracy, senators must continue to prioritize confirming highly qualified, personally and professionally diverse nominees to every lifetime vacancy on the federal bench.

You can help by taking action now. Tell your senators to move quickly to confirm pro-democracy, pro-environment judges like Nicole Berner. The future of our democracy and planet is at stake.

Thanks for everything you do for our planet and our democracy, Friend.


Doug Lindner
Senior Director of Judiciary & Democracy
League of Conservation Voters

P.S. To keep our campaigns for a stronger democracy going strong, I hope you’ll consider making a gift today. If you give now, your donation will be TRIPLE MATCHED >>
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