Your Storm Heaven Intentions Now!

Dear Friend,
For the first time, His Eminence,
Raymond Cardinal Burke will offer the Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass
and Rosary at the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest’s
International Seminary of St. Philip Neri in Gricigliano, Italy,
which will be live streamed on Easter Monday, April
With the encouragement and
canonical blessing of Bishop Obamba of Mouila in Gabon, Africa, the
Order of Christ the King Sovereign Priest was founded in 1990 by
Monsignor Gilles and Father Philippe Mora in Gabon, Africa.
Later, Augustinus Cardinal Mayer, OSB, a member of the Roman Curia,
helped with an appropriate location for a seminary and motherhouse,
when the Institute was quickly growing.
The order was founded to be
missionaries, that is, to spread the reign of our Lord Jesus Christ in
all spheres of human life. Their work is carried out under the
patronage of the Immaculate Conception, to whom the Institute is
consecrated. Currently, the Institute oversees 22 parish communities
in the United States. The other countries they serve are: Mauritius,
as well as many missions in Africa, England, Ireland, France, Germany,
Italy, Japan and Spain.
Cardinal Burke has presided over
many of the Institute’s ordinations, confirmations and Pontifical High
Please take a moment now
to submit
your intentions that His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke will
include in his Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass and Rosary this coming
Monday within the Octave of Easter, April 1. Remember to add an
intention that many graces will be bestowed upon Cardinal
Be assured that His Eminence
Cardinal Raymond Burke and thousands of Rosary Warriors from around
the world will be praying in unison for your intentions.
Your family members, loved ones and
friends may have intentions that they would like to submit, so please
forward this email and ask them to click here.
As we recount the days of Jesus’
last days on earth, I pray that you will be able to participate in
the Easter triduum of the passion and resurrection of
Christ, which is the culmination of the entire liturgical
year, that begins tomorrow
with the evening Holy Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
P.S. Join us on
April 20 for a half-day conference: Guadalupe Apparitions – the
Prophecy that Prepared the World for the Largest Christian Conversion
Event in History, followed by Holy Mass in Plano, Texas. Click here to register.
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