Today, April 1st, is Census Day!
It’s a national celebration aimed at encouraging every U.S. resident to complete the Census.
The U.S. Census is a count of all individuals living in the United States and determines how $675 billion in federal funding is invested in local communities.
If you have not already, complete the short survey that will determine funding for public schools, roads and services. It will also determine the representation communities and states have in Congress.
It is critical that communities of color are counted.

Almost 1 in 10 Black Americans were not counted in the 2010 Census and young Black children are still undercounted at twice the rate of young non-Black children. This undercount impacts federal funding for programs like the National School Lunch Program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and more.
But this year, you can make a difference and ensure your family and community are counted. Complete the Census today and encourage those you love to do the same. You can complete the 10-minute questionnaire over the phone (call 844-330-202), online, or by mail.
Advancement Project National Office is proud to stand with the W.K. Kellogg Racial Equity Anchor Collaborative to ensure traditionally undercounted communities participate in the Census. Through the My Family Counts Campaign, we are collaborating to provide tools and resources to ensure Black and Brown communities are not left behind. Visit to learn more about the Census and download toolkits to spread the word.
Join us for three events TODAY to learn even more about the Census.
This morning at 11 am ET, you won’t want to miss Gilda Daniels, our Litigation Director and author of Uncounted: The Crisis of Voter Suppression in America, discuss the U.S. Census, voter suppression, and the impact of COVID-19 on democracy. She’ll speak with David Whettstone of WPFW (89.3 FM in Washington, DC) on his acclaimed Community Watch and Comment program. Listen live online.
Also tune in for the inaugural episode of The Sip podcast TODAY @ 12:30 pm ET featuring our Executive Director, Judith Browne Dianis! Watch the Facebook Live conversation hosted by Higher Heights on why the Census matters and why #BlackWomenCount.

You can also learn more about the Census by joining the Make My Family Count Twitter Chat TODAY at 2 pm ET hosted by our partner, Faith in Action. We’ll discuss ways individuals can fill out the Census form during the COVID-19 physical-distancing window. Follow Faith in Action @FIAnational and join the conversation using #MakeMyFamilyCount.
Ultimately, the U.S. Census is about power and money. Let’s make sure communities of color receive the representation and investments they deserve.
Complete the Census today!
Advancement Project National Office Team