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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 1 April


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Police called to stop outdoor prayer meetings in north London

Police have been called to the Stamford Hill area to try to stop a small number of people within the Charedi Jewish community continuing to meet to pray.

The Jewish Chronicle


‘Religious extremists are making the coronavirus pandemic even worse’

Whether in the Iranian shrine city of Qom or the Bible Belt of the United States, the zealots are even claiming they hold the cure to the pandemic, writes Borzou Daragahi.

The Independent (£)


Government policy change on abortion could face judicial review

A change which allows women to have home abortions during the coronavirus outbreak could face a judicial review.

The Telegraph


‘Accidental pregnancy is more likely in lockdown - so all women must be able to get abortion pills in the post’

Ann Furedi says women need care during the coronavirus crisis.

The Telegraph (£)


Scott Morrison prays for Australia and commits nation to God amid coronavirus crisis

Australia's prime minister has offered a prayer for the national cabinet to stay "strong and united" and committed the nation to God during times of "great need and suffering" as it responds to Covid-19.

The Guardian


Government in Israel bans outdoor prayers but allows restricted circumcision ceremonies during Covid-19 outbreak

Israel's cabinet has approved a set of new measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in the country, including a ban on prayer quorums and limits on funerals and Jewish circumcision ceremonies.

The Times of Israel


Israeli police raid synagogues to enforce coronavirus lockdown

Israeli police wearing masks raided synagogues in Jerusalem and other ultra-Orthodox areas yesterday which have flouted social distancing rules and become coronavirus hotspots.

The Times (£)


Appeals court temporarily reinstates Texas order limiting abortion access over coronavirus

An appeals court in the US is allowing an executive order that blocks elective abortions in Texas during the coronavirus pandemic to remain in effect for now.



Judge temporarily blocks Alabama’s ban on abortions during coronavirus outbreak

A judge in the US has temporarily blocked an effort that would have banned abortions in Alabama amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Waff 48


India and Pakistan crack down on Muslim group emerging as COVID-19 cluster

India and Pakistan sealed off centres belonging to a Muslim missionary group on Tuesday and began investigating how many coronavirus cases were linked to its activities.



Canada considering loosening euthanasia restrictions

Canada is considering loosening its laws on euthanasia to make it them among the most relaxed restrictions in the world.

The Telegraph


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Stuck at home? Here’s how you can learn about and support secularism

Most NSS supporters will now be confined to their homes over the coming weeks. But there's still plenty you can do to learn about secularism and promote our campaign for secular democracy.


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