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This March issue of the library newsletter includes Irish publications and international evidence
resources related to Covid-19. There is guidance from agencies such as the EMCDDA, UNODC, WHO,
UNAIDS, INPUD and many others who support vulnerable groups. These resources may also be found on
our website in our Covid-19 collection [
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] our
To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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], Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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Coronavirus and drug recovery.
HSE drugs.ie. (2020) Coronavirus and drug recovery. drugs.ie .
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At-risk groups and coronavirus.
Health Service Executive. (2020) At-risk groups and coronavirus. Dublin: HSE.
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There is little comfort in alcohol: foster healthy coping tools that will last long beyond Covid-19.
Alcohol Action Ireland, Mental Health Ireland. (2020) There is little comfort in alcohol: foster
healthy coping tools that will last long beyond Covid-19. Alcohol Action Ireland .
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Minding your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak.
Health Service Executive. (2020) Minding your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak. HSE
Mental Health .
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Covid-19 (Coronavirus).
Dublin Region Homeless Executive. (2020) Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Dublin Region Homeless Executive.
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Online course: COVID-19: Tackling the novel coronavirus.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. (2020) Online course: COVID-19: Tackling the novel
coronavirus. Future Learn.
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Grieving in exceptional times.
Irish Hospice Foundation. (2020) Grieving in exceptional times. Dublin: Irish Hospice Foundation.
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Drugnet Ireland.
Health Research Board. (2020) Drugnet Ireland. Issue 72, Winter 2020 , 32 p.. Dublin: Health
Research Board.
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Clinical guidelines for opioid substitute treatment. Guidance document for OST in the hospital
Health Service Executive. (2020) Clinical guidelines for opioid substitute treatment. Guidance
document for OST in the hospital setting. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Prescription for disaster.
Corrigan, Desmond (2020) Prescription for disaster. Irish Pharmacist , 22 , (2) , pp. 24-25.
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Are we really in the middle of another cocaine epidemic?
Corrigan, Desmond (2020) Are we really in the middle of another cocaine epidemic? Irish Pharmacist ,
22 , (3) , pp. 24-25.
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Industry’s capture of political leadership: how can advocacy for alcohol control breakthrough?
Alcohol Action Ireland. McKinney, Eunan (2020) Industry’s capture of political leadership: how can
advocacy for alcohol control breakthrough? In: Sixth Global Alcohol Policy Conference, 9 - 11 March
2020, Dublin Castle.
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Trends in the use of mind-altering drugs among European adolescents during the Great Recession.
Balbo, Nicoletta and Carpella, Piergiorgio and Toffolutti, Veronica (2020) Trends in the use of
mind-altering drugs among European adolescents during the Great Recession. Health Policy , Early
online .
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Issues and service access barriers for homeless women with complex issues: a scoping review.
MacDonald, Steve and Christophers, Lauren and Morton, Sarah (2020) Issues and service access
barriers for homeless women with complex issues: a scoping review. Dublin: University College
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Addiction is socially engineered exploitation of natural biological vulnerability.
Ross, Don (2020) Addiction is socially engineered exploitation of natural biological vulnerability.
Behavioural Brain Research , Early online , p. 112598.
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Memory and attention during an alcohol hangover.
Devenney, Lydia E and Coyle, Kieran B and Verster, Joris C (2019) Memory and attention during an
alcohol hangover. Human Psychopharmacology , 34 , (4) , e2701.
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Media coverage of major sporting events: alcohol, crowd shots and the Rugby World Cup 2019.
Houghton, Frank and McInerney, Derek (2020) Media coverage of major sporting events: alcohol, crowd
shots and the Rugby World Cup 2019. Irish Journal of Medical Science , Early online .
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European Committee of Social Rights activity report 2018.
European Committee of Social Rights. (2020) European Committee of Social Rights activity report
2018. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
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Hepatitis C and the role of general practice.
Crowley, Des (2020) Hepatitis C and the role of general practice. Forum , 37 , (2) , pp. 37-38.
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Methadone, Pierre Robin sequence and other congenital anomalies: case-control study.
Cleary, Brian et al (2020) Methadone, Pierre Robin sequence and other congenital anomalies:
case-control study. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal edition , 105 , (2) , pp.
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Factors associated with requests for premature discharge and the decision to support a service user
through the discharge against medical advice process.
Kavanagh, Adam and Donnelly, Jennifer and Dunne, Niall and Maher, Tom and Nichol, Margaret and
Creedon, John (2020) Factors associated with requests for premature discharge and the decision to
support a service user through the discharge against medical advice process. International Journal
of Mental Health Nursing , Early online .
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Adding more "spice" to the pot: a review of the chemistry and pharmacology of newly emerging
heterocyclic synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists.
Alam, Ryan M and Keating, John J (2020) Adding more "spice" to the pot: a review of the chemistry
and pharmacology of newly emerging heterocyclic synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists. Drug
Testing and Analysis , 12 , (3) , pp. 297-315.
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HIV terminology and appropriate language use guidelines.
HIV Ireland. (2020) HIV terminology and appropriate language use guidelines. Dublin: HIV Ireland.
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High-cost, high-need users of acute unscheduled HIV care: a cross-sectional study.
Grant, Conor and Bergin, Colm and O'Connell, Sarah and Cotter, John and Ní Cheallaigh, Clíona (2020)
High-cost, high-need users of acute unscheduled HIV care: a cross-sectional study. Open Forum
Infectious Diseases , 7 , (2) , ofaa037.
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State of child health 2020. Northern Ireland.
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. (2020) State of child health 2020. Northern Ireland.
London: RCPCH.
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Children’s Rights Alliance report card 2020.
Children's Rights Alliance. (2020) Children’s Rights Alliance report card 2020. Dublin: Children's
Rights Alliance.
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Vape lung injury.
Corrigan, Desmond (2020) Vape lung injury. Irish Pharmacist , 22 , (1) , pp. 26-27.
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Potential for release of pulmonary toxic ketene from vaping pyrolysis of vitamin E acetate.
Wu, Dan and O'Shea, Donal (2020) Potential for release of pulmonary toxic ketene from vaping
pyrolysis of vitamin E acetate. PNAS , Early online .
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Exposure to secondhand aerosol of electronic cigarettes in indoor settings in 12 European countries:
data from the TackSHS survey.
Amalia, Beladenta et al (2020) Exposure to secondhand aerosol of electronic cigarettes in indoor
settings in 12 European countries: data from the TackSHS survey. Tobacco Control , Early online .
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Smoking prevalence and secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy and postpartum-establishing risks
to health and human rights before developing a tailored programme for smoking cessation.
Frazer, Kate et al (2020) Smoking prevalence and secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy and
postpartum-establishing risks to health and human rights before developing a tailored programme for
smoking cessation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 17 , (6) ,
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Electronic cigarettes and obstetric outcomes: a prospective observational study.
McDonnell, BP and Dicker, P and Regan, CL (2020) Electronic cigarettes and obstetric outcomes: a
prospective observational study. BJOG , Early online .
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A longitudinal, observational study of women who persisted in smoking in successive pregnancies.
Reynolds, CME and Egan, B and O'Malley, EG and Kennedy, RAK and Sheehan, SR and Turner, MJ (2020) A
longitudinal, observational study of women who persisted in smoking in successive pregnancies.
Journal of Public Health , 42 , (1) , e18-e25.
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COVID-19 and smoking: a systematic review of the evidence.
Vardavas, Constantine I and Nikitara, Katerina (2020) COVID-19 and smoking: a systematic review of
the evidence. Tobacco Induced Diseases , 18 , p. 20.
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A descriptive survey of online gaming characteristics and gaming disorder in Ireland.
Columb, David and Griffiths, Mark D and O'Gara, Colin (2020) A descriptive survey of online gaming
characteristics and gaming disorder in Ireland. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine , Early
online , pp. 1-9.
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Evidence Resources
EMCDDA update on the implications of COVID-19 for people who use drugs (PWUD) and drug service
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2020) EMCDDA update on the
implications of COVID-19 for people who use drugs (PWUD) and drug service providers. Lisbon: EMCDDA.
6 p.
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COVID-19 prevention and control among people who use drugs.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2020) COVID-19 prevention and control among people who
use drugs. Vienna: UNODC. 3 p.
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Community and inpatient services - COVID-19 guidance for clinicians.
Royal College of Psychiatrists. (2020) Community and inpatient services - COVID-19 guidance for
clinicians. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists.
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and people with alcohol-related problems: recommendations for services.
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems. [SHAAP] (2020) Coronavirus (COVID-19) and people with
alcohol-related problems: recommendations for services. Edinburgh: SHAAP. 10 p.
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COVID-19: Advice for people who use drugs leaflet.
EuroNPUD, INPUD, Respect Drug Users Rights. (2020) COVID-19: Advice for people who use drugs
leaflet. EuroNPUD. 2 p.
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Rights in the time of COVID-19. Lessons from HIV for an effective, community-led response.
UNAIDS. (2020) Rights in the time of COVID-19. Lessons from HIV for an effective, community-led
response. Geneva: UNAIDS. 20 p.
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Preparedness, prevention and control of COVID-19 in prisons and other places of detention.
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2020) Preparedness, prevention and control of
COVID-19 in prisons and other places of detention. Geneva: WHO. 40 p.
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WHO guidance: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.
World Health Organization. [WHO] (2020) WHO guidance: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.
Geneva: WHO.
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NICE: Coronavirus (COVID-19).
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. [NICE] (2020) NICE: Coronavirus (COVID-19).
London: NICE.
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Clinical and patient care resources related to Covid-19.
(2020) Clinical and patient care resources related to Covid-19.
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Briefing note on addressing mental health and psychosocial aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak. Version
IASC MHPSS Reference Group. [United Nations] (2020) Briefing note on addressing mental health and
psychosocial aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak. Version 1.1. New York: OCHA. 20 p.
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US: COVID-19 guidance for people who use drugs and harm reduction programs.
Higher Ground Harm Reduction, Reynolds Health Strategies, Harm Reduction Coalition, Vital
Strategies. (2020) US: COVID-19 guidance for people who use drugs and harm reduction programs. New
York: Harm Reduction Coalition.
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Scotland: Guidance on contingency planning for people who use drugs and COVID-19.
Scottish Drug Forum, Sexual Health and BBV Prevention Leads Group. (2020) Scotland: Guidance on
contingency planning for people who use drugs and COVID-19. Edinburgh: Scottish Drug Forum. 11 p.
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COVID-19: a potential public health problem for homeless populations.
Tsai, Jack and Wilson, Michal . (2020) COVID-19: a potential public health problem for homeless
populations. Oxford. The Lancet Public Health, Early online
DOI:[link removed](20)30053-0
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Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and Covid-19 resources.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. [SAMHSA, US] (2020) Medication-Assisted
Treatment (MAT) and Covid-19 resources. Rockville, MD: SAMHSA.
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Prisons and custodial settings are part of a comprehensive response to COVID-19.
Kinner, Stuart A et al. (2020) Prisons and custodial settings are part of a comprehensive response
to COVID-19. Oxford. The Lancet Public Health, Early online
DOI:[link removed](20)30058-X
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Benzodiazepines and opioids: reminder of risk of potentially fatal respiratory depression.
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. (2020) Benzodiazepines and opioids: reminder of
risk of potentially fatal respiratory depression. London: Gov.UK. Drug Safety Update, 8 (3)
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COVID-19 and smoking: resources, research and news.
[Tobacco Control & BMJ publications] (2020) COVID-19 and smoking: resources, research and news.
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Covid-19 and smoking: the elephant in the room?
Barnsley, Kathryn and Singh Sohal, Sukhwinder . (2020) Covid-19 and smoking: the elephant in the
room? Tobacco Control Blog
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Managing minor illnesses at home: evidence on over-the-counter health products in extraordinary
Chapman, Sarah . (2020) Managing minor illnesses at home: evidence on over-the-counter health
products in extraordinary times. Evidently Cochrane
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Guidance for health system contingency planning during widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2 with
high impact on healthcare services.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. (2020) Guidance for health system contingency
planning during widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2 with high impact on healthcare services.
Stockholm: ECDC. 5 p.
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Slowing down the covid-19 outbreak: changing behaviour by understanding it.
Michie, Susan and West, Robert and Amlôt, Richard and Rubin, James . (2020) Slowing down the
covid-19 outbreak: changing behaviour by understanding it. London: BMJ Publishing. thebmjopinion
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Covid-19—are we rationing who we care about?
Hamilton, Ian . (2020) Covid-19—are we rationing who we care about? London: BMJ Publishing.
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Unique epidemiological and clinical features of the emerging 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia
(COVID-19) implicate special control measures.
Wang, Yixuan and Wang, Yuyi and Chen, Yan and Qin, Qingsong . (2020) Unique epidemiological and
clinical features of the emerging 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) implicate special
control measures. Journal of Medical Virology [link removed]
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Alcohol use disorder and risk of pneumonia: how much Is too much, how long Is enough, and what else
Is involved?
Bradley, Suzanne F [JAMA] . (2019) Alcohol use disorder and risk of pneumonia: how much Is too much,
how long Is enough, and what else Is involved? JAMA Network Open, 2 (6)
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Alcohol and the risk of pneumonia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Simou, Evangelia and Britton, John and Leonardi-Bee, Jo [BMJ Open] . (2018) Alcohol and the risk of
pneumonia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 8 (8)
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Effect of tobacco smoking on the risk of developing community acquired pneumonia: A systematic
review and meta-analysis.
Baskaran, Vadsala and Murray, Rachael L and Hunter, Abby and Lim, Wei Shen and McKeever, Tricia M .
(2019) Effect of tobacco smoking on the risk of developing community acquired pneumonia: A
systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 14 (7 e0220204)
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Research on alcohol and other drug (AOD) use among sexual minority women: a global scoping review.
Hughes, Tonda L and Veldhuis, Cindy B and Drabble, Laurie A and Wilsnack, Sharon C [PLOS One] .
(2020) Research on alcohol and other drug (AOD) use among sexual minority women: a global scoping
review. PLoS ONE, 15 (3 e0229869) [link removed]
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Strategies to strengthen the provision of mental health care at the primary care setting: an
evidence map.
Mapanga, Witness et al [PLOS One] . (2019) Strategies to strengthen the provision of mental health
care at the primary care setting: an evidence map. PLoS ONE, 14 (9 e0222162)
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Out of harm’s way. Drug consumption rooms, benefits and challenges.
West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner. (2020) Out of harm’s way. Drug consumption rooms,
benefits and challenges. Birmingham: West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner. 60 p.
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Association of take-home naloxone and opioid overdose reversals performed by patients in an opioid
treatment program.
Katzman, Joanna G et al. [JAMA] . (2020) Association of take-home naloxone and opioid overdose
reversals performed by patients in an opioid treatment program. JAMA Network Open, 3 (2 e200117)
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ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of the brain in health and disease
across more than 40 countries.
Thompson, Paul M et al. (2020) ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of
the brain in health and disease across more than 40 countries. Translational Psychiatry, 10 (1)
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The Lancet Psychiatry: Single dose of psychoactive component in cannabis could induce psychotic,
depressive, and anxiety symptoms in healthy people.
Lancet Press Office. (2020) The Lancet Psychiatry: Single dose of psychoactive component in cannabis
could induce psychotic, depressive, and anxiety symptoms in healthy people. EurekAlert
[link removed]
Association of alcohol screening scores with adverse mental health conditions and substance use
among US adults.
Khan, Maria R et al [JAMA] . (2020) Association of alcohol screening scores with adverse mental
health conditions and substance use among US adults. JAMA Network Open, 3 (3 e200895)
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Perspectives on drugs. Wastewater analysis and drugs — a European multi-city study.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) Perspectives on drugs. Wastewater
analysis and drugs — a European multi-city study. Lisbon: EMCDDA. 14 p.
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Prevalence and risk factors of nonmedical prescription opioid use among transgender girls and young
Restar, Arjee J et al [JAMA] . (2020) Prevalence and risk factors of nonmedical prescription opioid
use among transgender girls and young women. JAMA Network Open, 3 (3 e201015)
[link removed]
Illicit drug use while admitted to hospital: patient and health care provider perspectives.
Strike, Carol et al. [PLOS One] . (2020) Illicit drug use while admitted to hospital: patient and
health care provider perspectives. PLoS ONE, 15 (3) [link removed]
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Understanding the link between alcohol excises and the price of alcoholic drinks in UK supermarkets
using scanner data.
Panzone, Luca and Albani, Viviana . (2020) Understanding the link between alcohol excises and the
price of alcoholic drinks in UK supermarkets using scanner data. London: Alcohol Change UK. 37 p.
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Alcohol Matrix cell D1: Organisational functioning - Screening and brief intervention
Drug and Alcohol Findings. (2020) Alcohol Matrix cell D1: Organisational functioning - Screening and
brief intervention.
read more
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Measuring the impact of the Capital Card®, a novel form of contingency management, on substance
misuse treatment outcomes: a retrospective evaluation.
Moss, Antony C and De Silva, Devon and Cox, Sharon and Notley, Caitlin and Nanda, Manish . (2020)
Measuring the impact of the Capital Card®, a novel form of contingency management, on substance
misuse treatment outcomes: a retrospective evaluation. PLoS ONE, 15 (3)
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Estimating the impact of drug use on US mortality, 1999-2016.
Glei, Dana A and Preston, Samuel H . (2020) Estimating the impact of drug use on US mortality,
1999-2016. PLoS ONE, 15 (1)
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What role do taxes and regulation play in promoting better health?
Beecher, Deirdre and Cooper, Emily and Holmes, Jonathon and Mckenna, Helen [Kings Fund] . (2020)
What role do taxes and regulation play in promoting better health? London: The Kings Fund. 44 p.
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The use of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists (SCRAs) within the homeless population:
motivations, harms and the implications for developing an appropriate response.
Gray, Paul and Ralphs, Rob and Williams, Lisa . (2020) The use of synthetic cannabinoid receptor
agonists (SCRAs) within the homeless population: motivations, harms and the implications for
developing an appropriate response. [link removed]
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Influence of electronic cigarette characteristics on susceptibility, perceptions, and abuse
liability indices among combustible tobacco cigarette smokers and non-smokers.
Hoetger, Cosima and Bono, Rose S and Nicksic, Nicole E and Barnes, Andrew J and Cobb, Caroline O .
(2019) Influence of electronic cigarette characteristics on susceptibility, perceptions, and abuse
liability indices among combustible tobacco cigarette smokers and non-smokers. International Journal
of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (10) 1825. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16101825
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Estimated Worldwide Mortality Attributed to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure, 1990-2016.
Yousuf, Hamza et al. (2020) Estimated Worldwide Mortality Attributed to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke
Exposure, 1990-2016. JAMA Network Open, 3 (3)
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Association of initial e-cigarette and other tobacco product use with subsequent cigarette smoking
in adolescents: a cross-sectional, matched control study.
Shahab, Lion and Beard, Emma and Brown, Jamie [BMJ] . (2020) Association of initial e-cigarette and
other tobacco product use with subsequent cigarette smoking in adolescents: a cross-sectional,
matched control study. Tobacco Control, Early online doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055283
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Is e-cigarette use in non-smoking young adults associated with later smoking? A systematic review
and meta-analysis.
Khouja, Jasmine N and Suddell, Steph F and Peters, Sarah E and Taylor, Amy E and Munafo, Marcus R .
(2020) Is e-cigarette use in non-smoking young adults associated with later smoking? A systematic
review and meta-analysis. Tobacco Control, Early online doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055433
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The impact of implementation of a national smoke-free prisons policy on indoor air quality: results
from the Tobacco in Prisons study.
Semple, Sean and Dobson, Ruaraidh and Sweeting, Helen and Brown, Ashley and Hunt, Kate . (2020) The
impact of implementation of a national smoke-free prisons policy on indoor air quality: results from
the Tobacco in Prisons study. Tobacco Control, 29 (2)
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The relationship between problem gambling, excessive gaming, psychological distress and spending on
loot boxes in Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, and the United States-A cross-national survey.
Drummond, Aaron et al [PLOS One] . (2020) The relationship between problem gambling, excessive
gaming, psychological distress and spending on loot boxes in Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, and
the United States-A cross-national survey. PLoS ONE, 15 (3 e0230378)
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Drinking during the pandemic: finding balance.
[spunout.ie] (30 Mar 2020)
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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) - latest information from Ireland.
[Government of Ireland] (28 Mar 2020)
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How Dublin's homeless are being tested for Covid-19.
[Irish Times] (27 Mar 2020)
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Public warned not to buy fake medicines that claim to treat or prevent coronavirus.
Hennessy, Michelle (25 Mar 2020)
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Public transport companies give details of alcohol and drugs tests.
[Irish Times] Hutton, Brian (23 Mar 2020)
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Impact of Covid-19 on drugs trade likely to hit recreational cocaine users most.
[Irish Times] Roche, Barry (23 Mar 2020)
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2019 data on alcohol consumption indicative of a small but encouraging reduction.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (18 Mar 2020)
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Drug harm reduction information in light of corona virus.
[Four Four Magazine] McGrath, Liam (12 Mar 2020)
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Hooked on painkillers: farming's hidden addiction.
[Independent.ie] O'Sullivan, Kathleen (11 Mar 2020)
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Drinks industry lobbyists met Government members and officials 361 times in 2018.
[Irish Times] O'Halloran, Marie (09 Mar 2020)
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Drink driving laws cause more changes in rural areas.
[Irish Examiner] Dunphy, Liz (06 Mar 2020)
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International Narcotics Control Board identify a ‘surge’ in high-purity cocaine in Europe.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (06 Mar 2020)
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Project aims to tackle stigma surrounding addiction.
Press Association [breakingnews.ie] (06 Mar 2020)
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Six in ten people in Ireland have experience of addiction, new poll finds.
Merchants Quay Ireland (05 Mar 2020)
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Government, NI Executive under pressure over alcohol pricing.
[Irish Times] O'Halloran, Marie (05 Mar 2020)
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Homeless women suffering gravely from social exclusion.
[Irish Times] Shannon, June (04 Mar 2020)
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Value of seized drugs plummets in 2019.
[Irish Examiner] (03 Mar 2020)
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Child cannabis addiction has nearly doubled in last decade.
[Independent.ie] Kelleher, Lynne (01 Mar 2020)
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Bitter pill: Benzodiazepine medication by Irish over-65s in Ireland highest in OECD.
[Irish Examiner] Walsh, Rowena (29 Feb 2020)
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