Information and advice around looking after your mental health during Coronavirus
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*Welcome to the Nottingham Time to Change E-Bulletin*
We understand that the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak may be causing you to feel anxious, stressed, worried, sad, bored, lonely or frustrated -it's OK to feel this way.Try to remember, this situation is temporary, everyone will be reacting differently andeventually these difficult feelings will pass.
There has never been a more important time to talk about mental health, so please try and take time today to pick up the phone and talk to someone.
If you are new to the Nottingham Time to Change Bulletin and would like to sign up to receive a regular copy,please click here [ [link removed] ]. You will need to log in and choose Time to Change in the Children's and Adults section. There are also lots of other free local E-Bulletins you might find interesting too.
10 tips to help if you are worried about coronavirus
Every Mind Matters
Every Mind Matters has some great advice around keeping well.You might find thesetop tips [ [link removed] ]useful or perhaps you would like to share them with a friend..
Talking to others about how they are feeling may help
time to change covid-19
Youdon'tneed to be an expert on mental health to be there for someone. Think about usingtheTime to Changethree top tips [ [link removed] ]:
*Check in*
You might not be able to meet face-to-face, but picking up the phone, having a video call, starting a group chat or messaging someone on social media lets them know you are there to talk and ready to listen.
*Listen and reflect*
If someone opens up to you, remember that youdon'tneed to fix things or offer advice. Often just listening, and showing you take them seriously, can help someone to manage.
*Ask questions *
Ask how people aremanaging, and ask again if you are worried theyaren'tsharing the full picture. Asking again, with interest, can help someone to open up and explore whattheyare feeling.
MIND advice for anyone with an existing mental health problem
Mind logo
If you already have a mental health problem, then you may be finding the coronavirus outbreak particularly challenging. The advice above should help, butMIND have producedcomprehensive guidance [ [link removed] ]that might also help.
Keeping physically active
Stay in, work out
Being physically active can really help our mental health and guidelines allow you todo one form of exercise outside away from home each day, for example a walk, run, or cycle eitheralone or with members of your household.
* Whileyoureout, always keep at least two metres or more away from anyone outside of your household. This will stop the virus spreading.
* Minimise time outside and wash your hands when you return home.
* For those who are self-isolating, there arealsolots of online resources that have been made available for free to help you to keep active in your home, or in your garden if you have one, and weve collated some of thesehere [ [link removed] ].
Where to go for support and advice about mental health
Ifyou needmoresupportaround managing your own mental health, you may find the following links useful:
* Mind [ [link removed] ]
* Rethink Mental Illness [ [link removed] ]
* NHS mental wellbeing audio guides [ [link removed] ]provide information on how to manage anxiety
* NHS Mental Health Helplines Web Page [ [link removed] ]
* If you arehavingtroublesleepingBig Health [ [link removed] ]has some good advice.
Advice for people struggling with an eating disorder
First Steps Eating Disorders
First Stepshave worked together to give you this freeFirst StepsED_Self-Care Guide [ [link removed] ]whichincludes:
* Dealing with overthinking
* Tackling eating disorder worries
* Relaxation techniques
* A self-care plan
* Having routine in-isolation.
For more information on First Steps clickhere [ [link removed] ].
Where to go for COVID-19 advice and news
Theresa lot of fake news out there so if you want to keep up to datewith developments use only trusted sites such as theBBC orNHS [ [link removed] ]web pages. A new Government website called ShareChecklist [ [link removed] ]might also help.
The Government has producedpublic advice aroundmentalwellbeing and COVID-19that includes advicefor older people, autistic people, people living with dementia and people withalearning disability. If you would like to read more clickhere [ [link removed] ].
Mental Health Crisis
With the added stress, you may feel that you are having a mental healthcrisisas you no longer feel in control of your situation.If youfeel that you cannot cope with day-to-day life or work, think about self-harm or evensuicide,or experienceor hear voices (hallucinations),you should get immediate expert assessment and advice to identify the best course of action:
* If your mental health team has given you an urgent phone number, call it.
* Samaritans [ [link removed] ]has a free to call service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, if you want to talk to someone in confidence. Call them on 116 123.
* Findlocal crisis support services [ [link removed] ]near you that can support you.
* CallNHS 111 if you need urgent care butitsnot life threatening.
* In a medicalemergencycall 999 [ [link removed] ]if you are seriously ill or injured and your life is at risk. A mental health emergencyshould be takenas seriously as a physical health emergency.
See further advice from the NHS ondealing with a mental health crisis [ [link removed] ].
Money worries
Advice Nottingham is a consortium of six advice agencies based in Nottingham City. They provide free, confidential and impartial advice on a range of issues including benefits, debt, employment and housing. Go to [ [link removed] ]for more information.
Beware of Scams
Nottingham City Councils Trading Standards department has produced helpful advice for citizens, in order to protect themselves from fraudsters. For more information click here [ [link removed] ].
If youare wantingto make a claim for Universal Credit, please be aware of fake Universal Credit sites operating only use [ [link removed] ].
Coronavirus - do you need help?________________________________________________________________________
If you would like an article including in our next Nottingham Time to Change Bulletin, please email the address below.
Stay safe and try to keep smiling
[email protected]
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