
We started this month marking the one year anniversary of the House of Representatives passing HR1, the bill to fix our democracy, and we’re ending the month like all Americans, confronting the COVID-19 crisis across the country.

The crisis has already caused many changes in our day-to-day lives, but one thing remains the same: The need to pass critical reforms to save our democracy. And the only way to do it is to defeat the corrupt Members of Congress standing in the way.

Will you chip in to help us reach our critical end-of-the-quarter goal before the deadline at midnight tonight? We’re currently $5,993 short of where we need to be, and as an organization that runs on small donations, that gap makes a very big difference. Every $5, $10, and $15 contribution is critical to maintaining our campaigns and taking on the most corrupt Members of Congress.

John, just today we released our next round of anti-endorsed senators. They’re the worst-of-the-worst, most corrupt Members of Congress. They include senators who voted for the Trump Tax Scam, they refuse to stand up to Trump and McConnell, and they’re doing the bidding of their big donors over their voters again and again.

For example, anti-endorsed Senator Lindsey Graham balked at providing $600 for workers laid off as a result of the coronavirus crisis, claiming, “very few people would choose work over unemployment,” while shamelessly pushing for $500 billion for big corporations.

Anti-endorsed Senator Kelly Loeffler cashed out millions in personal stocks after a closed-door briefing on the dire consequences of the coronavirus, all while reassuring her own constituents and the American people that everything was under control.

And anti-endorsed Senator Mitch McConnell, the self-described ‘Grim Reaper,’ has literally dedicated his entire career to getting more money in politics and protecting Citizens United. Not only does McConnell not think big money in politics is a problem - he actually supports more big money in politics, saying that it “ought to be applauded and encouraged” while shrugging off the corrupting influence.

We know there are many important causes to support during this time, including mutual aid efforts in communities across the country. 

And the most important thing is the health and safety of ourselves, our communities, and our loved ones.

You’ve probably seen us dress up in hazmat suits to call out the toxic big money contaminating our politics. We all have other contamination to worry about these days, but don’t forget - the only reason things are as bad as they are is because of the shameful levels of corruption in our government.

From Trump’s proposed cuts to the CDC following lobbying by the toxic Koch network, to the stimulus passed by Congress last week that handed out $500 billion to big corporations with little left over for working and laid off Americans - now more than ever we must keep calling out the corruption in our government.

If you are able, please consider a donation to our work to take on and defeat the most corrupt senators so we can elect a Senate that will put the health and well-being of everyday Americans first, not billionaires and big corporations.

Thank you for all you do,


The HAZMAT America Team


Your support keeps us 100% grassroots funded and focused on fighting the toxic forces corrupting our democracy. If you think you have received this email in error, please reply to let us know.

HAZMAT America

1701 K Street NW, Suite 750

Washington, DC 20006

United States


Paid for by HAZMAT America LLC • Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee •
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