From Anthony Bellotti <[email protected]>
Subject is this how it's gonna be?
Date April 1, 2020 2:36 AM
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White Coat Waste Project

My stomach is in knots. The idea of a recession is so
stressful... if this shortfall is any indication of 2020's
finances, we'll have to completely shut down life-saving work.
That's the last thing I want to do Taxpayer.

Taxpayer, sorry to bother you so late.

But we're closing the Q1 books in less than 90 minutes, and we're
FAR SHORT of covering our budget.

I have a huge knot in my stomach.

If this shortfall is any indication of 2020's finances, we'll
have to shut down life-saving work.

Ending forced tax payouts to China's labs and wet markets.
Closing NIH's primate Fear Factory. Passing Violet's Law...

I don't want to sacrifice any of these campaigns, Taxpayer!

I wouldn't ask if we weren't desperate: will you rush your most
generous gift before 11:59pm TONIGHT?




Anthony Bellotti
President | Founder
White Coat Waste Project

Paid for by
The White Coat Waste Project, INC.

EIN 46-0856543

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