Tuesday, March 26, 2024

■ Today's Top News 

US-China Electric Vehicle Dispute Shows Old Trade Rules Imperil Climate Action

"The climate crisis is too urgent for the U.S. or any country to allow outdated trade rules... to distract us from enacting bold climate policies," argued one campaigner.

By Jessica Corbett

'Crucial' UN Report on Gaza Genocide Must Spur Global Action, Says Amnesty

U.N. member states must "use their influence" to push Israel to halt its bombardment of Gaza and blocking of humanitarian aid, said the group's secretary general.

By Julia Conley

Abortion Defenders Decry 'Baseless' Attack on Mifepristone as SCOTUS Hears Case

"The overturn of Roe was just the first step in the far right's relentless campaign to restrict women's reproductive freedom," said one advocate. "We always knew they would come for medication abortion, too."

By Brett Wilkins

Experts Warn of Toxins in GM Corn Amid US-Mexico Trade Dispute

"The Mexican government is both wise and on solid ground in refusing to allow its people to participate in the experiment that the U.S. government is seeking to impose."

By Jessica Corbett

'Out-of-Touch Billionaire' Larry Fink Blasted for Calling 65 a 'Crazy' Retirement Age

"I love how rich people are treated as sources of great wisdom when they obviously don't know their ass from their elbow," said one economist.

By Jake Johnson

US Under Fire for Downplaying Security Council Resolution as 'Nonbinding'

One expert accused the U.S. of working to "undermine and sabotage the U.N. Security Council, the 'rules-based order,' and international law."

By Jake Johnson


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■ Opinion

We Must Break the Oligarchy's Grip to End Economic Anxiety for So Many Americans

In our country, working-middle class and working-class people are feeling increasingly unsafe. We must face this fact, not hide from it.

By Bruce T. Boccardy

Why Treating All Palestinians in Gaza as If They Are Hamas Amounts to Genocide

The Israeli military has subverted basic principles of international humanitarian law, which makes a key distinction between combatants and noncombatants.

By Juan Cole

A 2024 Blueprint for Radical Change in Foreign and Domestic US Policy

To overcome the twin disasters of the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the possible return of Trump to the White House requires a multi-tactic struggle for peace, social justice, and meeting working peoples’ needs.

By Martin Halpern

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