Hi, Wealth inequality in America is completely out of control. The disparities between the ultra-wealthy and the rest of America were made even worse by the Trump administration’s signature tax cut legislation in 2017. The collective wealth of America’s billionaires (including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Jamie Dimon) has grown to $5.2 TRILLION.1 The top 1% of American earners now control more wealth than the nation’s entire middle class.2 On top of it all, America’s millionaires and billionaires cheat on their taxes to the tune of billions every year. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Pramila Jayapal just introduced the Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act, which would raise taxes on the ultra-wealthy and increase IRS funding to crack down on millionaire and billionaire tax cheats. Sign the petition: Tax and audit the rich! Tell Congress to pass the Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act. While American workers are struggling to pay their bills, billionaires like Bezos and Dimon watch their riches grow. While American workers get ready to file taxes, the ultra-wealthy are getting ready to exploit tax loopholes. The American tax system benefits the rich instead of the rest of us. We need Congress to raise taxes on the rich and we need a powerful IRS to audit wealthy tax cheats in order to fund health care, education, Social Security, and the fight against climate change. Upon introducing the Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act, Senator Warren said, “As President Biden says: no one thinks it’s fair that Jeff Bezos gets enough tax loopholes that he pays at a lower rate than a public school teacher.”3 By ensuring that the ultra-wealthy pay what they truly owe, we can build a livable society for working people with better health care and education, and a stronger social safety net. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to pass Sen. Warren and Rep. Jayapal’s Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act. Thanks for taking action, Sources:
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