Published Monday, March 25, 2024

A note from






North Korea’s crimes against humanity have been known to the United Nations and the world at large for more than twenty years.

On February 7, 2014, after more than ten years of investigation, the UN Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry (COI) concluded that the gravity, scale and nature of these violations reveal a State that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world.


The council spoke of the barbaric nature of Pyongyang’s gulag system and the all-encompassing indoctrination machine that takes root from childhood [with the] almost complete denial of the right to freedom of thought.

I’d like to say that North Korea is an extreme example of the end game of leftism, socialism, and communism. However, similar accounts are known in other places and at other times. The Communist Party in China practices brutality as well. It also partners with the brutality of North Korea and represents the status quo of international communism as the world’s largest communist representative.

Left-leading American elites who do business with China have ignored multiple pleas to expose these unthinkable atrocities and to help bring them to an end.

As North Korean defector Yeonmi Park discovered, the initial shock and sympathy of America's most wealthy and famous regarding her testimony of the North Korean travesties quickly turned to silence when she privately made the connection to the Chinese government.

After telling her story of rape, starvation, and torture to a gathering of elite actors, businesspeople, and politicians, she said this:

The people who had only a moment before looked at me pleadingly for advice on how they could help people like my mother still stuck on the other side of the Pacific now looked at me again like I'd come from another galaxy, or else like a naive little girl who didn't understand the complexity or importance of China to their livelihoods. Their interest in me seemed to recede quickly.

This shocking state of affairs is more difficult to understand given, as has been pointed out by many observers, that socialism finds its ideological origin in Christianity.


Acclaimed academic and prolific author, Baron Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn noted:

Socialism and communism take their initial inspiration from basic Christian tenets. Universal brotherhood, altruism, mutual aid, social justice, all-pervading charity . . . all these notions have Christian roots.

Christian imagery is important in the socialist-communist vision.

The strong trend in our age to use Christian tenets to justify reconciliation with leftism can be found in bygone centuries.

Socialism and all these leftist isms are secular versions of a few of the tenets of Christianity.


Christianity is far more than a few tenets. As the Baron would agree, Christ Himself is the core of Christianity, Christendom, and Western Civilization.

Socialism advocates vociferously for a secularized and Christless version of Christianity. However, without Christ Himself, mankind is without his created identity and nations are without a soul. Quickly, families, communities, societies, and nations unravel, deteriorate, and become grotesque images of the Christless dream the secularist has promised.


This was stated repeatedly by Nobel Prize winner, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn who, in his publication Russia in Collapse, records the statement of a Russian from Vladivostok. Vladivostok is a city in the far southeastern remote edge of Russia next to the border of North Korea. This devout Russian saint said to Mr. Solzhenitsyn:


We Russians do not value our own culture. But if we do not value our culture; we cannot save the Russian people.




Solzhenitsyn records another comment coming from the southeastern edge of Russia. This time from an elderly Orthodox woman in Blagoveschensk, a city on the Chinese border. She said:

None of us need a Russia without God. And none of us need freedom without Russia. If we do not come forward in repentance, Russia is not worth a dime.

These comments reflect what many have said regarding American society in the 21st century. Until we as a people return to our devotion to Christ, there are no legislatures, no institutions, no men who can save us.





On May 10, 1983, Solzhenitsyn stood before dignitaries in Buckingham Palace to receive the Templeton Prize. The Templeton Foundation described him as a pioneer in the renaissance of religion in atheist nations.

He then delivered what has become known as the Men Have Forgotten God speech and said this:


More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

Since then, I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval.

But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

And if I were called upon to identify briefly the principal trait of the entire twentieth century, here too I would be unable to find anything more precise and pithy than to repeat once again: “Men have forgotten God.”

Socialism is grounded in a Christless Christianity. It eviscerates the human soul as well as the very soul of a nation. Marxism is the secularist’s dream.

In its effort to stand alone without God, socialism eviscerates individuality, creativity, responsibility, individual development, and personal achievement. Under its leadership, the few consume the labor of the many and the many become impoverished and abused.


Christ keeps the promises that

the secularist seeks, always

unsuccessfully, to imitate.

Secularism, as North Korea and the ravages of the 20th century illustrate, only reverts humanity to the primitive, to the impoverished, and for hundreds of millions, to abuse, torture, and extinction.

The godless secularist cannot help, once he has grasped the reins of power, to abuse the masses under his power. He rules in order to live in his own private paradise. All that he has promised to others, he achieves only for himself.


It was Christian America that became so prosperous, so robust, and, as a nation, so enabled its citizens to bask in liberty that people the world over sought a path to her gates.

Christian America has stood long in sharp

contrast to nations under the control

of secular, atheistic oligarchs.

There is no more clear vision of the entanglement of 21st Century American Controligarchs with the Chinese Communist Party than Yeonmi Park’s While Time Remains.

I finished reading her book last week and intended to write extensively about it but will save it for another week. I stand with Eric Metaxas in stating that you must read While Time Remains.

The book’s shocking details of her personal testimony, its philosophical and psychological depth on many levels, and its warning to America make it compulsory reading. The book’s wonderfully written style make it all easy to digest.

From one of its pages:


North Korea is a socialist state, a totalitarian dictatorship that has enslaved 26 million human beings into a cult of personality around three evil men, two of them dead, who have overseen a country-sized concentration camp.

It is Earth’s longest-running experiment in deliberately managed human misery, a perpetual crime against God.


The pulpits of Oklahoma must awaken the church of Oklahoma to the risks we assume when electing government officials at all levels who do not possess in them the soul of Solzhenitsyn and a conviction that life without God is a bloody and painful disaster for any nation.

Join our meetings and help us

change Oklahoma as we seek to

right the American ship of state.

Make plans to come to the

Oklahoma History Center

in two weeks on

Wednesday, April 3 at noon.


Hear Joey Magana here.

Watch the entire meeting here.


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