We have a few Hotel Blocked Rooms available for the 2024 State Convention on April 6th, but you must move fast!

The Oklahoma Democratic Party has blocked rooms at a few area hotels in Ardmore for the 2024 State Convention. Please visit to see our list of blocked rooms and reserve now. The room blocks expire between now and March 30.
Grassroots Efforts Pay Off in Enid, Oklahoma

OKLAHOMA CITY, MARCH 13, 2024 – Enid residents and Democrats demonstrate the power of working together as a community to confront white nationalism and extremism in their city. The Oklahoma Democratic Party supports the recall election of Judd Blevins, taking place April 2nd.
It was 2017 on the University of Virginia campus when national neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups met for a night of hatred, and Judd Blevins, now an Enid, Oklahoma Councilman in Ward 1, is seen holding a tiki torch and marching with the angry mob on the campus.
This was unacceptable to many Enid residents who knew of Blevins’s ties to neo-Nazism once he decided to run. However, he convinced voters to elect him using his military record and claims that he wasn’t the one in the photos. Read more...

In honor of Women's History Month, let's support Electing More Women to Office!

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