From Michael <>
Subject voter suppression
Date April 1, 2020 12:11 AM
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A new message from your friends at People For the American Way.


PFAW Member -- I had to add an important addendum to the list I
emailed earlier of ways the Right is trying to exploit this crisis to push
their agenda and for their own political benefit.

As Aaron Black at the Washington Post pointed out today, Republicans are
also enjoying that this crisis could cause problems for ballot access this
year, and they're trying to thwart efforts to make it possible for people
to vote! Trump himself was clear that the motive is the same as the one
that's always behind the Right's voter suppression efforts:

In an interview on “Fox & Friends,” Trump referenced proposals from
Democrats in the coronavirus stimulus negotiations that would have vastly
increased funding for absentee and vote-by-mail options. The final package
included $400 million for the effort, which was far less than what
Democrats had sought.

“The things they had in there were crazy,” Trump said. “They had things —
levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a
Republican elected in this country again.”

We have just $2,115 to go before midnight! Help put us over the top RIGHT

[ [link removed] ]Please chip in to STOP Trump Republicans' shocking exploitation of this
crisis and defeat them at the polls!>>

----[previous message]----

PFAW Member,

We’re watching the Right Wing very closely – as we always do, with PFAW’s
Right Wing Watch – and the trends we’re seeing from the Trump
administration and its Republican allies amidst this global health crisis
are beyond disturbing.

Conspiracy theories and dangerous disinformation from the Right have
exploded, which, unfortunately, is not unexpected. But what’s arguably
just as dangerous – especially over the long term – is the naked
opportunism we’re seeing from right-wing officials, from Trump all the way
on down.

* Republican state officials are trying to use the pandemic as an excuse
to shut down access to abortion…

* Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is exploiting the crisis to push
education privatization schemes in the form of more school vouchers
that would take money from public schools…

* Trump has announced a freeze on the enforcement of all federal
environmental regulations and protections, including rolling back the
fuel emissions standards that have been the centerpiece of the U.S.
effort to combat climate change …

And the list continues to grow…

If they are able to get away with these infringements on the rights and
interests of the public, does anyone really think they’ll reinstate the
protections they’re now trying to deny without a fight?

We need to fight back to stop the erosion of our liberties during this
crisis and continue our push to hold Trump Republicans accountable by
defeating them up and down the ballot.

Are you with us? If so, then we need you to help us finish the first
quarter of 2020 strong with a critically urgent donation before tonight’s

[ [link removed] ]Please renew for 2020 with your most generous donation so we can put
your support to work right away>>

We’re $17,008 short of our budget with just hours to go and we’re
depending on our best supporters to step up today.

In these uncertain times, falling behind now could doom our work for the
rest of the year and we can’t afford to miss a beat – if we fall short,
Trump and the Far Right win. It’s that simple.

And there is so. Much. Work. To. Do.

All of the exploitation of this crisis by the Right that we’re seeing so
far is bound to get worse, so we need your help to keep sounding the

And, of course, the Trump administration – mostly through the Treasury
Department, headed by Trump lackey Steve Mnuchin – will be in charge of
dispersing the half a trillion dollars to corporations that Congress just
authorized with its coronavirus relief legislation … so we need to be
extra vigilant in making sure the Trump administration doesn’t use that
money for corrupt corporate kickbacks and shameless self-enrichment.

Even though the nature of our field operations have changed, the campaigns
all continue … we’re still influencing media narratives, planning ads, and
employing the latest digital organizing tools to continue to counter the
Right and have a massive impact in this year’s elections.

Today is our biggest deadline of the year so far and we’re pleading with
you to stand with us during this challenging time. We’ve never needed your
steadfast support more than we do right now.

[ [link removed] ]Please donate whatever you can immediately so we can continue the fight
to our democracy>>

Thank you so much for your support and everything you do.

Stay safe,

Michael Keegan, President

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