We all play a role in this campaign. As the Finance Team, it’s our job to make sure that Tom has the resources to continue campaigning across our district to connect with voters, talk about the issues, and keep him fighting for us. As of late, we’ve had to shift a lot of our funds to digital and online platforms so Tom can continue to “hit the trail” while keeping the community safe.
Tonight at midnight marks the end of the quarter and a crucial fundraising deadline for us. We’re just a bit short of our goal, which is why we’re reaching out to you. Can you chip in a few dollars to help Tom out?
As you can see, we’re at about 75% of our quarterly goal. We’re so close that even just $5 or $10 goes a long way in helping us get there.
We want to keep Tom in office so he can continue to lead our district and our country to new heights. He’s constantly fighting for improved infrastructure, healthcare and mental health services, a fiscally responsible government, and more! Donate now to help us keep Tom in Washington where he can make a difference for us.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
For Minnesota,
The Emmer Finance Team
Paid for by Emmer for Congress
P.O. Box 998 | Anoka, MN 55303