
We have good news to share in this very challenging time. Congress approved historic COVID-19 economic relief legislation that includes a $25 billion lifeline for public transportation.

Thank you to every member of Voices for Public Transit who emailed their lawmakers to urge them to make sure public transit was funded at the highest possible levels.

You can read more about the CARES Act and what it means for public transit in our latest blog.

Read the Blog to Learn More >>> 

Members of Congress united across party lines to respond quickly to the COVID-19 crisis. Please be part of a wave of voices who thank Congress via social media. We suggest this message: "Thank you #USCongress and #WhiteHouse for passing the CARES Act with emergency #COVID19 funding for #publictransportation. #Publictransit is keeping essential workers connected to their jobs and will support long-term economic recovery. #Voices4Transit"

To thank your legislators on Facebook, please feel free to copy and paste the suggested message above into the post that opens when you click on the link, or type in your own message.

To thank your legislators on Twitter, simply click on the Twitter link and the suggested copy will be pre-populated for you. You can edit the message before you post it, if desired.

Thank you for making your voices heard. We urge you to follow all government guidelines for staying home and staying safe. Just like we worked together to support passage of the CARES Act, we need to keep working together to slow the spread of the pandemic and protect those who are most at risk.

Wishing you and your loved ones all the best,

Chad Chitwood
Voices for Public Transit Community Coordinator

© 2020 American Public Transportation Association
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