A Different Perspective
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I know, we've talked a lot about what's going on in Haiti on The OP. And initially I was hesitant about posting yet another article.

But this piece by Fabian is so compelling I knew you all had to read it. This author does NOT believe that Haiti-level violence is a possibility in more developed countries. Here, he lays out his reasons why.

LINK: https://www.theorganicprepper.com/haiti-third-world-violence-and-the-shtf/

So, what are your thoughts about all this? It's a fascinating discussion, and we'd love to hear your opinion. Just how bad would a SHTF in America become? Would we see pockets of Haiti-level violence? Would it be widespread? Would it be nearly impossible?

Let's discuss it in the comments section.

Prepping costs money. Everyone knows that, even the most staunch I'll-Never-Be-A-Doomsday-Prepper-Why-Don't-You-Live-A-Little co-worker you might have.

So, in this economy, under these conditions, how are you supposed to get prepared for the Next Big Catastrophe? Is it even possible?

Absolutely, it is.

And I know this for a fact from personal experience.

The number one factor people mention when asking questions on my website is money. They're wondering how they can afford to do all these things that sound so extravagant when they're just getting by. They want to know if it's even possible to prep in the world we're living in today.

They want to know if they can do it, even though they're broke.

You can.

And in this book, I'm going to show you how.

We're "hopping" like crazy to share ideas to help you pinch every penny you can while still making an Easter dinner to remember.

LINK: https://thefrugalite.com/save-money-easter-dinner/
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