March 25, 2024


Matt Brodsky

[email protected]

RELEASE: Biden's Shameful Abstention at the UN Security Council Helped Hamas

Minneapolis, MN - Ilhan Omar’s Republican challenger for U.S. Congress (MN-5), Dalia Al-Aqidi, issued the following statement in response to the Biden administration’s decision to abstain from United Nations Security Council vote today:

There used to be a bipartisan consensus on standing with an ally during wartime. The Biden administration shattered that today when they abstained from voting on a one-sided UN Security Council resolution, thereby ensuring it would pass. This decision was disgraceful. Those who supported the resolution point to the fact that it demands an immediate ceasefire leading to a lasting, sustainable ceasefire in Gaza. They also celebrate that it demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.


There are several problems with this formula:


  • By including the demand for an “unconditional” release of hostages in the same paragraph that demands a ceasefire, it is by definition conditioning their release on Israel accepting a ceasefire. The U.S. and international community should demand the release of hostages—including American citizens held by Hamas—which led to Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza. Hamas has been on the U.S.-designated terrorist list since 1997.
  • The passage of this resolution makes Hamas less likely to accept a deal in the ongoing negotiations with Israel because it provides the terrorist group hope that international pressure will allow them to accept a ceasefire without the release of hostages. Hamas can see all the pressure the U.S. is applying on Israel but Team Biden is not pressuring Qatar to pressure Hamas, even as they continue to reject ceasefire proposals. This is a colossal inversion of diplomacy.
  • The resolution does not condemn Hamas specifically or classify them as a terrorist organization, nor does it condemn the horrific attacks on October 7, 2023, which was when Hamas violated the previous longstanding ceasefire.


Both Israel and Hamas will reject the terms of this resolution but only Israel will pay a diplomatic price. The Biden administration understands this but abstained anyway. I call on the Biden administration to stand with our ally, Israel, and to make clear that it holds Hamas responsible for the condition of the hostages, including the Palestinians the terrorist group continues to use as human shields.

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