Defeat GOP nominee Michele Morrow >>> 

Roy Cooper for North Carolina

John, every day, the future of our state goes to class in a public school.

Yet too many radical Republican legislators are demanding our public schools and teachers do more with less. GOP lawmakers would prefer to direct taxpayer funds to unaccountable private and charter schools than ensure public schools have the resources they need.

Now, Republicans have nominated an extremist QAnon conspiracy theorist to become the next Superintendent of Public Schools — and we HAVE to stop her.

Michele Morrow vilifies public schools and plans to abolish the Board of Education so that extremist Republicans can take control of what our students are allowed to learn.

She has even suggested that she supports EXECUTING Democratic politicians with whom she disagrees.

Roy is asking each of his supporters to pledge to help DEFEAT Michele Morrow and defend public education in our state. Take the pledge today >>>


Thank you for taking action,

Team Cooper



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Cooper for North Carolina
PO Box 1190
Raleigh, NC 27602
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