Fight back and save America from tyranny.


Would someone from even just twenty years ago recognize the United States anymore?

Our wide-open border, thanks to President Biden, sees terrorists walk onto our soil every day – soil your family died defending – in unthinkable numbers. In just the last couple of weeks, a self-proclaimed Hezbollah trained terrorist crossed into our country with the intent to create a bomb and go to New York.

The mainstream media, of course, is lying to Americans with claims that the only individuals seeking asylum are families. However, as recently as a week ago, Border Patrol has said that it “continues to see a surge in migrants whose names appear on the terror watchlist entering the US illegally as crossings continue at record levels” (New York Post). So, somebody is lying and it’s not our Border Patrol.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is too busy promoting his staff that assisted him in the mishandling of classified documents than to pay attention to the threat to our people. This mishandling should have him prosecuted but instead he gets off without so much as a warning because of his “poor memory”.

What would the Founding Fathers have to say about a sitting president knowingly allowing terrorists into the country while promoting corrupted officials and weaponizing government agencies for his own benefit?

This is why it is more important than ever to Secure & Win. We cannot, as American citizens, sit by and watch our country burn at the hands of greedy, power-hungry elites who do not want our country to succeed. You are the line of defense between your family and tyranny and it starts at the polls.

You can help secure the polls during the 2024 election, and you can help freedom loving conservatives win this year.


Become part of the thousands of fired up Americans who are unwilling to watch this country be destroyed by corruption. Sign up to Secure & Win today!

In liberty,


Jenny Beth Martin


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