Episode 195 uploaded March 24: Host Sam Goldman speaks to the Supreme Court
facilitating the further erosion of civil rights & foreboding
upcoming elections outside of the U.S.
frequent guest and guest host of the show, Coco Das shares reflections
on SB4 (Texas’ “Show Me Your Papers” law) and talks with award-winning
Turkish writer and political thinker Ece Temelkurian discussing her
essay in Prospect Magazine, Fascism isn’t just a German problem.

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Sam Goldman:
Before fascist Trump is up for election again in November, two other elections reflect growing and strengthening fascism across the globe. The continent-wide elections to the Parliament of the European Union, widely known as the European elections, will be held from June 6 - 9. As it stands, fascists and fascist adjacent parties are on track to win nine countries' votes outright, with similar parties set to come in second or third place in nine other countries. While tensions are rising among the fascist bloc disagreeing over support for Ukraine and some other major questions, they are united in their goals of turbocharging climate change, leaving, weakening or even abolishing the EU altogether, restricting immigration making life miserable for already arrived immigrants and beginning to dip toward non citizens and even some citizens en masse. They are far more united in their xenophobic patriarchal nationalist visions than their electoral opponents; "Center" and "left" blocks hopelessly entangled in the status quo of parasitism, austerity and submission to a liberal U.S. dominated world order itself in great peril.
Coco Das:
SB 4 empowers any cop anywhere in Texas to detain people they suspect of entering the state illegally in the last two years. Anyone who can't prove their documented status can be charged with illegal entry and illegal re-entry, carrying jail sentences of up to 10 to 20 years. It's not hard to imagine what might lead to suspicion of illegal entry...No human being is illegal. Refusing fascism means denouncing and resisting the racist attacks on immigrants. We call on you to stand with and defend immigrants and spread the slogans. We don't have an immigration problem...we have an imperialism problem. Stop the Demonization, Criminalization and Deportations of Immigrants and the Militarization of the Border. In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America.
Ece Temelkurian:
It is so amorphous, this new fascism and it has so many tentacles. We have been told the centrist liberal democracy will save us all. It will be heavenly if everybody has the liberal democracy with a nice capitalistic economy and so on. But then we've seen that exactly this system is pregnant with fascism. This abstract trust in the institutions prolongs too long. And then people realize too late that actually those institutions are not serving them.

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during the year when refusing fascism is needed more than ever.
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