Hey John,
Well, we did it. You can finally buy a daily birth control pill without a prescription or I.D. But of course, questions are flying! (And fake news is turning its ugly head!) Can you share the facts with your Instagram followers and dispel birth control myths at the same time?
We just posted this on Instagram to answer FAQs about Opill. But it will only be as powerful as how many people see it. Do your part to dispel birth control myths by tapping that little paper airplane to throw your favorite answers into your story.
We'd love it if you put every slide in your story, but maybe you have a favorite one or two such as this one:

There's also this one:

Today also marked the launch of Opill's Cost Assistance Program at OpillCAP.com! Advocates for Youth has been pushing Opill's manufacturer to create a robust donation program, and we are still diving in to see how this one works. We'd love to hear your feedback on how easy/hard it was to use, and if you were denied when you shouldn't be. For now, feel free to reply to this email to let us know, but we'll have a more formal process in the coming weeks.
Opill is already revolutionizing access to reproductive healthcare. Now let's make sure people know the facts. Thank you for doing your part!
In solidarity and gratitude,
Geoff Corey
Director, Campaigns & Rapid Response
Advocates for Youth