They're on the verge of collapse, so this is our chance.

We urgently need your help, John:

We have a real opportunity in November to defeat the NRA, elect gun safety majorities in the House and Senate, and put a gun safety champion in the White House: reports are showing that the NRA is “in grave danger” and their financial crisis is dealing a huge blow to their investments in the 2020 election.

The NRA has been in utter turmoil for over a year now, and their scandals and mismanagement mean this is our best chance to defeat them in decades.

But right now, we at Brady have a big membership deadline coming up, and we’re falling WAY short of where we need to be. We still need 158 people to activate their 2020 Brady Memberships before midnight tonight if we’re going to have the resources we need to defeat the NRA – and we’re missing your name. So please, we’re counting on you to give right now:

John, will you give $5 or more right now – whatever you can spare before our midnight deadline – to activate your 2020 Brady Membership, defeat the NRA, and elect gun violence prevention champions to Congress and the White House in November? We have a real chance to make lasting change this year, and we can’t afford to miss it.

This is our chance to finally defeat the NRA once and for all. Thank you so much for joining us in this fight. Together, we can change the gun laws in this country and save lives.

Team Brady