We're in the midst of a crisis in leadership, John: Mitch McConnell's destructive partisanship has led to President Trump's hasty impeachment acquittal, endless attacks on our reproductive freedoms and the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. 

And if extremist Republicans keep Senate control, they'll be able to strip away our access to health care and rubber-stamp MORE right-wing justices to the Supreme Court. Democrats can't lose even ONE seat – or we lose ANY chance of flipping the Senate blue. That means protecting our blue firewall – including Sen. Cory Booker in New Jersey.

Right now, Cory needs to raise $2,892 by midnight tonight if Democrats are going to take back the Senate and send Mitch McConnell packing. Cory can't defend New Jersey's Senate seat without the help of grassroots Democrats like you, John – and there's no flipping the Senate if we lose here: 

Rush $5 or more – every dollar you can spare – right now to help protect our blue firewall and take back the Senate from Mitch McConnell!