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Republicans know they have a problem with young voters. It’s why they’ve spent so much time and effort trying to stop us from voting, whether it’s through restrictive voting laws designed to stop college students from casting ballots or their outrageous proposals to raise the voting age.

But they’re starting to wake up to the fact that whether they like it or not, young people will vote if they’re motivated to turn out.

So the GOP is changing tactics. ALEC Action — the campaign arm of the American Legislative Exchange Council, which pushes for the passage of ultra-right-wing bills in state legislatures across the country — is teaming up with Run GenZ to boost young “conservatives” who are running for office.

Seem like a familiar strategy? We thought so too. Will you split $25 or any amount you can between Leaders We Deserve and Blue Amp Action? Every donation helps us double down on our strategy to elect progressive young leaders instead. 

But let’s be real for a second. The fact that the Republican Party is nearly entirely dominated by old, out-of-touch white dudes isn’t the real source of their problem with young voters (though it certainly doesn’t help).

Republicans have a young voter problem because of their platform. Young people today have grown up amidst near-constant mass shootings across the country, including in our schools. We see the evidence of a changing climate before our very eyes, and we know the impact it could have on our future.

But despite all this, Republicans have consistently fought to make it easier to access dangerous guns and stood in the way of common-sense gun safety laws that could keep young people safe in school. And they continue to deny the reality of climate change in the face of overwhelming evidence.

Plus, while young people today are more pro-choice and pro-equality than ever, Republicans across the country have made it their mission to chip away at LGBTQ rights and pass draconian abortion bans, often with no exceptions whatsoever.

So MAGA is welcome to put a fresh young face on their horrible old policies — but that won’t change the fact that young voters are overwhelmingly opposed to their agenda.

In contrast, Leaders We Deserve is working to elect young leaders who will fight for young peoples’ priorities, not against them. But we’re a grassroots organization that takes no corporate funding, so we’re counting on your support to do it.

If you want to expose the GOP's latest astroturfed effort to target young people as the sham it is, split $25 or anything you can right now to help us elect the leaders we really deserve on Election Day:

Thanks for your support,

David Hogg

President & Co-founder, Leaders We Deserve


Cliff Schecter

President, Blue Amp Action

Amplify Good

About BlueAmp Action:

We cannot sugarcoat the current situation. Right-wing authoritarianism, defeated by a worldwide coalition during WWII, was only in hibernation. Over the past decade it has infected democratic societies--including ours. It is as simple as it is terrifying: What we do now will define the future of our country and world. 

We at Blue Amp Action are dedicated to liberal, open societies, where reason and science are applied to solve our problems; where civil rights--including voting rights!--are protected for all. We fight for these values every day. Speaking up on our platforms, raising the voices and the political prospects of liberal pols and pundits. 

So we ask that you support our work, so we can continue to engage in this fight every moment of every day. So our kids grow up in democracy, not dystopia.

Thank you for your support for all we do! Please follow Cliff Schecter on Twitter @cliffschecter, or subscribe to The Takedown with Cliff Schecter on YouTube, to keep up to date with this battle for the heart and soul of our country.


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Blue Amp Action PAC
PO Box 8384, Cincinnati, OH 45208

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