
We need to be honest with you. Our finance director just checked on our progress to our $10,000 end-of-quarter fundraising goal and we’re coming up short.

With just a few hours to go until the end-of-quarter deadline, we need your help. Can you help us close the gap before midnight tonight by chipping in whatever you can afford right now?

We really don’t like making fundraising pitches during these stressful times. But, John, if we’ve learned anything the last few weeks, it’s that politics are extremely important. In fact, it might be more important than most of us even realized.

In a crisis, our elected leaders are entrusted with our safety, our health, and our economy. When this crisis is over, we’re going to need competent, principled elected leaders who can get us out of this mess and chart a steady course forward.

Help us fulfill our mission of supporting service-oriented leaders who will put people over politics and work each and every day to get our country back on track. If you can afford to, will you chip in $5, $10, or more right now to get us to our goal?

Thank you for being a part of our team. We wouldn’t be able to do this without you.

Stay safe and be well,
Serve America HQ

P.S. If you can’t afford to donate right now, that’s okay. Too many people are facing financial hardship right now, and taking care of yourself and your loved ones must come first. Thank you for being a part of our family, and let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.