Dear John,
During the coronavirus crisis, the songs of spring birds in the morning have been a hopeful sound for me. That feeling inspired an event that I’d like to invite you to!
We are launching a virtual Lunch & Learn series to connect with one another from our homes during this time. Each event will focus on a new topic and feature experts and organizations from around the state.
This Friday, April 3, Nick Lund, Maine Audubon’s Outreach & Network Manager and birding expert, will teach you common spring birds’ calls, appearances and names - and answer all of your bird questions! We’ll also discuss how you can take action to help protect Maine’s birds.
Virtual Lunch & Learn: Maine's Spring Birds
With Nick Lund, Maine Audubon’s Outreach & Network Manager
Friday, April 3
You can register for Friday’s event here and please share this invite far and wide!
Best wishes to you and your loved ones during this time,