
Well, this is certainly not how we expected our spring to start but here we are! Our leadership team and staff have been hard at work pivoting in this new reality and working to find innovative new ways to maintain strong advocacy and continue to recruit candidates across the state. It’s more clear now than ever that the elections this fall will be the most important one *ever* - especially for the younger generations whose collective future's are on the ballot.

But one thing that’s weighed on us heavily is what our path forward looks like if we don’t raise enough money. As the only Young Democrats chapter in the country with paid staff we’ve been able to achieve incredible things over the years, but if we don’t reach our fundraising goals our work won’t be the same.

If everyone on this list gave just $25 our lean grassroots organization would be able to go full steam ahead on candidate recruitment and volunteer engagement.

With your support, we can come through these trying times stronger than ever. Thank you for your gift and continued commitment to our work.

Wishing you, your friends, and family the best,

Lucas Meyer and the entire NHYD Team

PS- Our success has been because of people like you chipping in what you can, I hope we can count on you today!

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