![]() Dear Patriot, The globalists are hard at work, and time is running out for you and me to stymie their plans. You see, the World Health Organization (WHO) is rushing to put the finishing touches on amendments to the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty which will give the WHO unprecedented powers over you and me. The WHO will tell you the goal of the Pandemic Treaty is to facilitate coordinated reactions to health emergencies like Covid. And remember, Patriot, we’re talking about the same WHO that completely botched the response and misled us about Covid. But the reality is, they want to dictate the world’s response to “all risks that have the potential to affect public health” including non-medical risks like food choices, biodiversity, gun violence, and climate change. And despite their protests and their denials, the amendments to the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty are threats to not only our national sovereignty but to your personal sovereignty as well. But before the WHO meets in May to wrap up their Pandemic Treaty, you and I have a chance to stop them dead in their tracks. ![]() With only a few short months remaining before the May 2024 meeting at which the WHO Member Nations will be encouraged to adopt the IHR amendments and accompanying Pandemic Treaty, the time for action is now. I’ll get to what you and I can do in just a moment. We both have seen plenty of times when the government has “helped” us . . . and more times than not, it costs you dearly in your pocketbook, in your freedom, and your basic rights. Today, one of the biggest threats is coming from our own government, but unfortunately, this time they have help. With the backing of globalist elites
like the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab and billionaires like Bill Gates, the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, once signed by members, will be
legally binding. They got a taste of the power they can have over the people during the Covid lockdowns. But they also see there is a great chance their treaty won’t be passed because of objections from around the world. And that’s why they’re now warning us about “Disease X,” the supposedly hypothetical super-virus that couldn’t possibly be developed in a lab in the manner Covid most likely was. To these control freaks, the pandemic lockdowns were the good old days. And they’re just praying another deadly virus gives them the opportunity to bring it back. The vehicle statists will use is the WHO Treaty, which is still steadily advancing. They’ve announced their plans in the proposed WHO Treaty: • Allow
the WHO Director General to declare an “emergency” at will – and the “emergency” does NOT have to be regarding a
pandemic. They could decide climate change is a health emergency requiring authoritarian measures; • Force and prohibit the use of any particular drug during any decreed emergency; • Change regulations from non-binding to legally binding and force countries to implement them; • Create requirements for digital vaccine passports; • Require surveillance of online information and suppress whatever they deem “disinformation;” • Coerce extreme lockdowns, including the creation of “quarantine of suspect travelers, preferably in facilities away from the point of entry,” aka “quarantine camps” seen during the COVID19 pandemic in China and elsewhere; • Allow the WHO to commandeer medical supplies in any country, transfer medicine to other countries (for “equity”), and evade laws on intellectual property; • And of course, strip out language regarding “full respect for the dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms of persons.” But while the globalists push forward with their plans for this Pandemic Treaty (whether it will officially be enacted as a treaty to be ratified by the U.S. Senate, or they try to ram it into effect as some sort of “executive agreement”), there is pushback from member countries around the world. One member of a WHO working group on the Treaty complained about a “well-coordinated campaign” to undermine the treaty. But this campaign to “undermine” the treaty is made up of concerned citizens from around the world who are now realizing the WHO’s nefarious plans. Time is running out for the WHO to finalize their treaty and get signoff from member states. But time is also running out for you and me to be crystal clear to our own government that such a treaty requires U.S. Senate approval and that we expect our U.S. Senators to outright reject the WHO’s takeover of global public health. I know the globalists’ excuse is this is all done for our “health and safety.” But regardless of what buzzword they use to defend their assaults on our freedoms, their enemy is the same. It’s our privacy. Our liberty. Our “greed” in wanting to keep some of the money we’ve rightfully earned. And even when they succeed in taking everything they want from us, it makes virtually no difference. They want more! It’s embarrassing how badly the WHO missed on Covid: its origins, the “cure,” and the coverups. Yet here they are back again and looking to
destroy even more lives in the process. And now, instead of the statist overlords in Washington, D.C. telling us how we must live our lives, they’ve joined up with the globalists to tell us how to run them better. That’s why it’s vital you sign the STOP THE WHO PANDEMIC TREATY petition to your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY. The globalist apologists are going to push hard to ram through this treaty around the world and in the U.S. That’s why I’ve instructed Campaign for Liberty staff to pull out all the stops. That means mail, email, Internet ads, and even targeted radio and TV ads if I can raise the resources. But Campaign for Liberty can’t do any of this without you. So won’t you please agree to your most generous gift of $200 right away? Patriot, I know that’s a lot. If it’s too much, can you please give $100 or at least $50? Like you, I often feel like we’re watching every single one of our rights being stripped away. But that only means you and I must fight even harder! So won’t you please join me in shouting DOWN WITH THE WHO before it’s too late – before the idea of American liberty is nothing more than a distant memory? Won’t you please sign your STOP THE WHO PANDEMIC TREATY petition along with your most generous gift of $200, $100, or at least $50 TODAY? For Liberty, ![]() Dr. Ron Paul Chairman, Campaign for Liberty P.S. The WHO Pandemic Treaty is due to be finalized in a few short months. Time is running out for you and me to put a stop to it now! This “legally-binding” treaty will cede many of our rights to the globalists at WHO. This treaty has people like the WEF’s Klaus Schwab giddy at the thought of the power they’ll possess over us. If you and I turn up enough heat on Congress to stop the WHO Pandemic Treaty from being ratified by the U.S. Senate, we can bring the globalists’ grand plans to a crashing halt. That’s why I’m counting on you to please sign the STOP THE WHO PANDEMIC TREATY petition along with your most generous contribution of $200, $100 or at least $50 TODAY! Thank you for your generosity. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great
American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of
education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |