![]() Fellow Patriot, BOTH parties in Congress scored TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars for their well-connected cronies in the global financial elite and the social welfare crowd.Unsurprisingly, they rammed the third coronavirus spending monstrosity into law without so much as a recorded vote in the U.S. House . . . clearly they know those chickens will come home to roost. And yet that flood of special interest handouts wasn’t even enough to quench their thirst -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the rest of the profiteers demand MORE, MORE, MORE!Meanwhile, those who dare stand up for the Constitution and liberty in the midst of the chaos are shouted down . . . and threatened with political payback. That’s bad enough. But the so-called “CARES Act” also handed the Federal Reserve virtually unlimited power to EXPAND the largest plunder of taxpayer wealth in history -- robbing our kids and grandkids and on and on through the generations!Our once great Republic all but turned into a kleptocracy under the guise of keeping the country safe from coronavirus. The truth is, the Big Government statists are going all-out to use this crisis to consolidate more power and more perks for themselves and their well-connected cronies. Meanwhile, you and I lose more of our liberties and it gets harder and harder for everyday Americans to provide for ourselves and our families.Authoritarianism is on the march everywhere. Fines for congregating in public . . . crackdowns on our Second Amendment rights. Americans handcuffed for holding religious gatherings . . . Department of Justice goons demanding “emergency power” for INDEFINITE DETENTION of American citizens without a trial.How far will all this go? The relentless slide into tyranny may not end before the America you and I love is completely wiped out. Not unless patriots like you and me put ALL the politicians complicit in this madness ON NOTICE! So, I’m hoping I can count on your IMMEDIATE action today.The statists and profiteers run roughshod over society because public officials who ought to know better (of which there are many) have abandoned all commonsense, if not their principles altogether, in favor of the go-along-to-get-along mentality. This is the greatest peril our country faces today. The good news is, I believe you and I can jolt America back to reality and open the nation’s eyes to the wanton power grabs and outright plunder of American wealth occurring today. But it’s going to take a surge of liberty-loving Americans standing alongside me shouting “ENOUGH!” That’s why I’m asking every liberty-loving patriot across the country to sign the COMMONSENSE & CORE VALUES Citizen’s Directive I’ve prepared for you. As you’ll see, your Citizen Directive lets your elected officials -- starting with the White House, and your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative -- know in no uncertain terms they’ve put this country on a dangerous path.That we DEMAND a return to the principles of liberty that brought this nation through peril time and time again. And that paying lip service to these principles at election time, only to then abandon them at the slightest hint of panic is unacceptable. . .The truth is, such blatant theft and outrageous assaults on our liberties aren’t just something out of Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba. They’re a nightmare happening in our country today.And I’m afraid they’ll only continue until ALL politicians -- NO MATTER THEIR PARTY -- are put on notice that they’ll be held responsible if they’re complicit in the plunder and destruction of the America you and I hold dear. So I’m counting on patriots like you to help DEMAND they reverse course and instead faithfully uphold the principles of liberty, sound money, and constitutionally limited government.Fellow Patriot, I know a lot of folks are really worried about the coronavirus right now. And that’s understandable. But we must stand up to those who would attack our freedoms. You and I simply cannot let the statists’ demands for massive expansions of power and profiteers’ plunder of American wealth go unchallenged.They may tell us it’s all about “keeping us safe” and that everything will return to normal once the coronavirus outbreak is under control. But you and I know better. What freedoms won’t they take from us under so-called “emergency powers?” What liberties will they not crush?How much debt will they saddle our kids and grandkids with? This madness must end.That’s why I’m counting on every Campaign for Liberty supporter to sign the COMMONSENSE & CORE VALUES Citizen’s Directive I’ve prepared for you right away. We’ve got to make it 100% clear -- coronavirus DOES NOT give them license to trample our liberties with these unvarnished power grabs and outright plunder of America’s future. Once you sign the COMMONSENSE & CORE VALUES Citizen’s Directive, then please consider going just a small step further. With everything that’s going on right now, Campaign for Liberty is really stretching our budget to stop the loss of liberty you and I are facing. So if you possibly can, I hope you’ll agree to chip in with a generous contribution of $10 or even $25, which will go a long way to helping Campaign for Liberty FIGHT BACK and stop the slide to tyranny underway in America today. Please act at once. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman Respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, sound money, and a constitutional foreign
policy constitute the foundation of the Campaign for Liberty.