WOW: Donald Trump is DETERMINED to delay his trial until after the November election!!!

Politico: Polls Show Trump Could Be Doomed If He’s Convicted. Will a Trial Happen in Time?

If Trump gets his way, he will NEVER be held accountable for his crimes. So sign our petition now to demand Trump’s trial take place before Election Day >>

SIGN NOW: Hold Trump’s Trial Before Election Day >>

FIRST: Donald Trump was INDICTED by leaders like Fani Willis and Jack Smith for attempting to steal the 2020 election!!!

Jack Smith and Fani Willis

THEN: Trump claimed in court that presidents should have total immunity – he thinks he’s above the law!

Trump: A president of the United States must have full immunity…  Even events that ‘cross the line’ must fall under total immunity.

AND NOW: Experts are warning that Trump could pardon himself and seek REVENGE on Democrats if he returns to the White House!

We NEED to make sure Trump’s trial is held before Election Day, or else he could win the presidency and avoid accountability for his crimes. Sign our petition now, Friend >>

SIGN NOW: Hold Trump’s Trial Before Election Day >>

Thank you for taking a stand.

Future Democrats

Thank you for supporting Future Democrats, Friend. Our team of passionate Democratic organizers worked around the clock in 2022 to surge the youth vote to historic heights, keeping the blue for Democrats.

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It’s crystal clear: When young voters turnout, Democrats win.

That’s why we started Future Democrats, a for-youth-by-youth organization focused entirely on flipping red seats blue and electing more young Democrats to Congress.

Using a unique blend of digital ads, on-the-ground voter turnout campaigns, and aggressive relational organizing, our team helped elect progressive Democrats like Senator John Fetterman, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Maxwell Frost in 2022.

So now, we’re gearing up to do it again in 2024 to keep Trump, McConnell, and the Republican party in the minority.

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