I’m about to hit my first End of Quarter Deadline of this election year – and it would mean so much to me if you’d chip in $15
Hakeem Jeffries

John xxxxxx, I’m about to hit my first End of Quarter Deadline of this election year – and it would mean so much to me if you’d chip in $15 before midnight to protect our Frontline Democrats, help us have a historic fundraising day and ensure we have the resources for a massive win. First, please let me explain why your donation is so important >>

1. The latest polls show Democrats leading the race for Congress by ONE point.

2. That means the contest for the House will come down to the slimmest of margins.

3. Now that extreme MAGA Republicans know how close we are to defeating them, their mega-donors are flooding millions to battleground districts to try to save their majority.

That’s why I’m rallying Democrats from coast to coast today to outraise Team Extreme before our first major fundraising deadline of this election year and build an unbeatable foundation to reclaim the House.

John xxxxxx, I need your help to ensure we have the resources to take on the deep pockets of extreme MAGA Republicans and their mega-donors. I checked ActBlue and as of 10am, I’m still 2,608 donations short of my budget goal. In a contest this close, missing even one goal could be a devastating setback in our work to reclaim the House. I’m reaching out to my strongest allies to ask you personally: Can I count on your $15 before midnight? >>

I can’t tell you how much it would mean to me to hit this goal.

It would put us one step closer to restoring reproductive freedom nationwide.

It would enable us to rush funds to the races that will determine our House majority.

It would help us turn the tides against extreme MAGA Republicans who put Politics Over People.

Knowing you're standing with us would make all the difference in the world.

We are just inches from reclaiming the House. It’s going to take every last Democrat joining together to pull off a historic victory. I need to gather 2,608 donations before midnight to close our budget gap, outraise Republicans and rush resources to our most critical races. Will you chip in $15 now to help us clinch our goal? It would mean so much to have your support >>

Keep the faith, 



Hakeem Jeffries is the Democratic Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. Like many of us, Hakeem was raised by a working-class family; His mom was a social worker and his dad was a substance abuse counselor.

Now, as the top Democrat in the House, he’s fighting to stop MAGA extremism and reclaim the majority for Democrats.

Hakeem is committed to electing a record number of Democrats in the next election and beyond. But he can’t compete with Republicans’ special interest cash without our support. Is there any way you could chip in to help?


We know you’re getting a lot of emails, but that’s because Democrats have a clear path to winning back the House – and Hakeem isn’t letting a single second go to waste.

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