From Jodie, Local Peace Economy <>
Subject Mapping our way to peace
Date March 24, 2024 2:00 PM
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Whose map are you using?

Who is already seeding peace in your community?

<[link removed]>Explore the LPE Ecosystem <[link removed]>

<[link removed]>Pivot Towards Relationality <[link removed]>

Dear John,

Hello, peacemakers! Spring is here. This spring season, what seeds are sprouting in your spirit? What are you tending to in the soil of your soul? What do you want to grow in your community?

We'd love to explore these questions with you. Join us for our next Local Peace Economy Community Call on Wednesday, March 27th at 5:00 PT/8:00 ET <[link removed]>.

<[link removed]>RSVP now! <[link removed]>

During this call, we’ll be talking about mapping - why mapping is an important piece of our local peace economy journeys and how you might begin, if you haven't already. You can find more information about stories on page 117 of The Local Peace Economy Workbook <[link removed]>.

If you weren't able to be with us during our last meeting, we hope you can join us this time. You can catch up on our last call here <[link removed]>. You can also watch the recording of our introduction to the Local Peace Economy Workbook during our first meeting here <[link removed]>.

Local Peace Economy Community Calls take place every other Wednesday at 5:00 PT/8:00 ET. Newcomers are always welcome. Stay up to date on all of CODEPINK’s events here <[link removed]>.

Next Community Call Topic: Mapping

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The war economy disconnects us from the place we live. We are conditioned to see ourselves as individuals, separate from the land and our neighbors. This makes us believe we are reliant upon the institutions of the war economy to get our needs met.

The practice of mapping can help us see who and what is already present in our community and cultivate relationships that lead to deeper connection to place and each other. Who has lived in your community before? What forces have shaped it? Who created the commons? What commons still exist? What has changed over time? Getting curious about questions like these is the start of community mapping.

Pivot to Peace

Transactional to Relational

Mapping helps us see more clearly the web of relationships that already exists in our community. The war economy tries to reduce all of our interactions into transactions. Transactions do not support life's thriving and steals what nourishes us and community.

When we live relationally, we are embracing the fullness of another person's humanity, or another being's Beingness, as well as our own. We recognize that relationships are the source of our personal and collective wellbeing. We tend to them not to "get something out of them" individually but as a way to care for ourselves and each other.

Where in your life are you living from a place of transaction rather than relationality? Where does the speed of transaction come automatically instead of the slower place of relating? What would it take to make one consistent interaction you have more relational?

Read more about the pivots to peace here <[link removed]>.

Inspiration for the Journey

The local peace economy is all around us. Stories of the local peace economy inspire us and teach us how we can create a culture of peace together. On the Local Peace Economy Wiki <[link removed]>, we’ve been gathering stories of local peace economy projects. Check out this story <[link removed]> about how to localize our food systems - how to root them in relationship rather than transaction.


You can always find more resources for your local peace economy journey on CODEPINK’s website <[link removed]>. Here are some helpful links:

- Lean into supported reflection by downloading <[link removed]> or purchasing <[link removed]> The Local Peace Economy Workbook

- Tend to yourself with The Cycle of (Re)connection <[link removed]>

- Find a community of practice with The Local Peace Economy Ecosystem <[link removed]>

- Get inspired by The Local Peace Economy Wiki <[link removed]>

Please email Emily at <> with any questions. We look forward to being with you on Wednesday, March 27th <[link removed]>!

Take good care, 

Jodie and Emily

PS: If you missed our first email introducing The Local Peace Economy Workbook, you can learn more about it here <[link removed]>!


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